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Justin Matkowski's Comments - Page 25

Next Gen: So Far, So Boring

Posted on 02/28/2013 at 12:31 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I watched the PS4 reveal recently too, and I felt the same way. I think there is typically an established line between derivative and re-hashed ideas, and sometimes I don't mind when something isn't fully realized & fine-tuned as long as there is a strong concept and the developer & publisher have the balls to take a risk.

 This is how I felt about Mirror's Edge; I was enthralled by its evolution of platforming principles, and it actually had an immersive quality that got your heart pumping as you jumped across roof tops, and took death-defying leaps off of buildings to grab a pipe 40 feet below.

 Maybe it's nostalgia, but the leap between Super Mario Bros and Super Mario World, or The Legend of Zelda to A Link To The Past seemed/seems absolutely massive - a true expansion of an IP in a way that both enhanced creativity and refined what already worked. Perhaps because of the increasing cost of development, studios just don't fine-tune titles as much, and that way that publishers breathe down a studio's neck doesn't allow for much "what if" concept development time.

And if I hear the term "Playstation Ecosystem" one more time, I'm going to Silvia Plath myself...

Jesse Miller's 8-Bit Brews Brought To Life

Posted on 02/28/2013 at 12:16 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I literally just thought of this, but a "LOZ: Oracle Of Seasons" line of seasonal brews could be really awesome...

Jesse Miller's 8-Bit Brews Brought To Life

Posted on 02/28/2013 at 12:15 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Keep me posted on the brewing status!

Jesse Miller's 8-Bit Brews Brought To Life

Posted on 02/28/2013 at 12:13 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Glad you like them! A tongue-in-cheek "Honey'd Words" Skyrim Wine would be really cool...keep us posted on how the brews are coming along!

Jesse Miller's 8-Bit Brews Brought To Life

Posted on 02/28/2013 at 12:10 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Thanks man! The concept for the Castlevania brew is brilliant, and that was all you. It just fits the Castlevania vibe so well; it could be cool if every label had a little quote on the back of the bottle of the nonsensical advice that town's folk would give you in Simon's Quest - ex: "A flame is on top of the 6th tree in Denis Woods."

Jesse Miller's 8-Bit Brews Brought To Life

Posted on 02/28/2013 at 12:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'd love to work on the labels! I already have some ideas for the "Belmont Family's Barley Wine Ale" that I think will make for a really cool label. I'll build the full scale Kirby's Cream Ale label first using true label specs, and then start ironing out the Belmont Ale.

The whiskey soaked Barrel Ale is an awesome idea! Both in terms of taste, and establishing a concept that sets it apart from other ales in a very definitive way. Once the brews are ready and labels are on, I would definitely get the word out about these; between your brewing ideas, the niche factor, and the collectibility of them, I could easily see you gettting a shit ton of orders for these, seriously. This is how big things get started!

Definitely keep me posted on how they are coming along, and I'll keep you posted on the status of the labels. Thanks again Jesse!

2K Sports Gets Into the Rasslin' Business

Posted on 02/28/2013 at 12:07 AM | Filed Under News

I absolutely friggin loved the AKI N64 games, particularly Wrestlemania 2000 and WCW/NWO Revenge. The mechanics were solid as hell, and they were the only wrestling games I ever played to have those last minute, "what they hell do I have to do to pin this person?!" moments. Those games were a mainstay with me and my roomates at my apartment in West Chester, and I'm suprised the cops never got called on us for the shouting that ensued when this was on rotation.

Societal damage: What female gamers still go through.

Posted on 02/27/2013 at 11:57 PM | Filed Under Blogs

This blog is great because it addresses the issues in a human, rational way, especially taking into account our animal sexuality but the fact that we have an intellect to carry ourselves and treat others with respect. It's something that boggles my mind - a million years of evolution, and some people still lack self control, common sense, or respect so as to not verbally rape a girl just because she happens to be attractive and sharing a physical or digital space. Our brains are the reason we as a species survived, and it's time we start utilizing them in social situations more.

And you are absolutely right about an airbrushed culture's influence effecting people's self esteem in a negative way. The funny thing is, I truly believe there is something in the human brain that knows something is wrong with manipulated images of humans when we view them. Nature is assymetrical; trees have knots, rocks have scuffs, and the little wears and knicks in things make them beautiful, and that holds true for people as well.

Also, anyone who would threaten someone because of their entertainment preferences is a goblin who is in dire need of reevalutating their priorities in life.

Issue 116: Phoning It In

Posted on 02/27/2013 at 11:42 PM | Filed Under Feature

Thank you for the mention! Very awesome of you, and yes, "Spin Kick Stout" is absolutely Double Dragon, though a River City Ransom brew is a great concept, too.

Probably the thing that rang truest for me was how you feel about QTEs. I absolutely, whole-heartedly agree, and it is a major reason why I haven't been interested in any of the Uncharted Series or Tomb Raider, as you have mentioned. In my opinion, QTEs are the laziest form of interactive content, and they were a hangup of mine in Resident Evil 4 as I felt they tripped up what was in all other areas an awesome game.

When I play a video game i want to play a VIDEO GAME, not the gaming equivalent of a hearing test. Great Podcast!

Leaving the Console Behind

Posted on 02/27/2013 at 11:36 PM | Filed Under Feature

lol! I'm sorry, that is something no one should have to endure. Quickly listen to something that doesn't suck, and avoid any imagery containing leather pants and flowy white button downs to prevent a Creed-induced PTSD episode.

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