Me too. Once bitten twice shy.
Me too. Once bitten twice shy.
I'm not arguing Sony is "saintly",Michael. I realize they want profits just like microsoft. However, I'm judging them by their actions in the present.
Think about it like this. Let me break it down.
How Sony screwed up last generation
PS3 was too damned expensive. They tried charging $600.00 dollars just because the PS3 had a bluray player. Wtf,sony?! I can't afford your shit!
How sony screwed up this generation
So, I have to subscribe to playstation plus to play online multi-player? (sighs) Okay,I guess!
How MS screwed up by comparison this gen
-Unfriendly to indie game makers
-24 hour check ins
-Kinect possibly linked to PRISM and NSA.
-Can only share game with 1 friend then it's stuck to his or her profile.
-Can only buy used games from retailers MS approves of. Fuck rentals and fuck Mom & Pop stores!
-When bringing game to friends house there's a check every 1 hour
-More expensive than a PS4
-When no longer supported online console will become a plastic paperweight
-Consumer doesn't really own their games
-Cds are glorified install discs
-Solution for people with poor internet? Get a 360!
Uh, yeah. Who screwed up more? And yes,I realize MS has gone back on most of these policies. However, they had to be strong-armed into doing the right thing whereas Sony did not.
At its' most expensive the PS3 still wasn't as abrasive to its' consumers. Nor was the 360.
I buy new 99% of the time too. However, I wait for new games to go down in price. I admit getting an Xbox 1 seems more "reasonable" now. I'm simply showing love to the peeps that showed me love first! (At least at "this" E3. Who the heck knows what the future holds!)
I feel exactly the same. While I can't say I trust microsoft I'm glad they saw reason and stopped digging their own grave. It's better if they exist than not exist at all. Would Batman be as strong without The Joker? Probably not! (I'm using that analogy a lot. Need to get better material!)
Thanks for dropping in,Joe! Don't get me wrong. I'm happy microsoft changed its' spots.(I'm borrowing terms from you,Chris. lulz!) It's just....once bitten twice shy,y'know?
You already did the right thing,Cary. At least you waited until MS changed up its' policies. I'm gonna wait for "the games" myself!
Same with me,Aaron. I probably will not pick up a PS4 for another 2 years. I'm very rarely a "Day 1 buyer". I prefer it when consoles have a lot of games by the time I jump on board.
We did put on a good show didn't we? Bravo for us,each and everyone!
I will not even buy a PS4 until it has been out awhile,Tami. Aka, I want a good library of games to choose from. However, I think I do hold the right to have a grudge. The point is MS tried to take away all our consumer rights and would have gotten away with it if we stayed complacent and quiet. Sony could have followed suite with microsoft,forcing us to embrace these restrictions as our only choice. Instead, they took a stand for us. I'm not saying Sony is "saintly". Yes, I realize they're in it to make money. But at least they were not willing to do it as much at our expense when compared to microsoft.
Totally,Vic. Microsoft was pretty much a metaphorical bully strong-armed into behaving itself. (By us) That doesn't suddenly make them "the good guys".
However, it's nice. I'm still getting a pS4 first but now down the road I may get an X box 1 as well.