perhaps once Ubisoft rips their Uplay pass from this game I just might give it a go. If only to see how bad it is, like Duke Nukem Forever.
perhaps once Ubisoft rips their Uplay pass from this game I just might give it a go. If only to see how bad it is, like Duke Nukem Forever.
forgot all about that one. if you do get it let us know how it goes. I might have a spare A/V port in one of my game rigs.
that's what I hear from the HD remakes. including ruining the sound from the radio static to the voice overs. I'll still get it to eventually but I'm just glad I got SH 2 & 3 cheaply just the same.
Hope you do. Just a warning: the show really doesn't have a resolution. it got cancelled before it got further. It's still fun to watch just the same.
Nice. I've had offeres to have my system modded if for the ROMs. But I can't do it just yet. It still is holding out and I like the fact it's my retro system of choice for most of my complication games.
Thank you, your too kind. Here's to next year if I can keep it up!
thanks! I hope you enjoy it too, like the rest of this list.
Hope you enjoyed them. Sorry for the delay in my #01 choice this year. It's harder than I thought...
Oh have i? have I?
Nah, not really. *sinister laugh*
The only reason why i've yet to finish Fatal Frame II only because I ran out of decent film. really!
I noticed that but wasn't sure if I'd spend that kind of money on that game, even if it was on sale. I ended up buying other titles that I'm still trying to explain to myself and my wife.