Yeah it's a free half life 2 mod. It's pretty sweet!
Yeah it's a free half life 2 mod. It's pretty sweet!
Yeah, if you buy it on steam they'll come with it.
They've fixed most of the problems with SR2 on steam with Patches. It runs pretty well. GTA IV is ninety percent "Drive this person to this place and listen to bland exposition," and 5% fetch quests and the other 5% are semi fun missions.
I didn't enjoy either. I enjoyed other games on this list, like Bioshock Infinite (I have a poster of this game, so I liked it... just not as amazing as I was lead to believe.) Actually these were probably the only two I didn't enjoy at all
GTA 5 is great. My second favourite game of last year actually.
Funny you mentioned that. I originally had Ass Creed 4 in here, but I replaced it with Munch's Oddysee. I literally had: "This game is seriously so bad I don't even want to talk about it. Seek out Casey's blogs about this piece of shit if you want to know." It didn't make it in because I wasn't enough of a fan of the series for it to actually disappoint me, even though the game is awful.
I probably will sometime soon. Yeah, I kind of hate modern In Flames. Their old stuff is so good!!!!
This game is phenomenal. It's finally on PC, so I've been playing the crap out of it.
Ok... sorry if this annoys you but I can't resist. RECOMMENDATION TIME!
And some old school In Flames for good measure :)
Truth be told, I didn't see it. You're writing in BaD season. A lot of blogs get overlooked in this period, especially if they don't have a name that jumps out at you. I will have to go and have a look though.
Also, it's awesome that you like Agalloch, although it came out of left field. Wasn't expecting you to be a fan of avant gard folky black metal lol.