Very Nice. Another one to add to my never ending wish list of music to add to my collection.
Very Nice. Another one to add to my never ending wish list of music to add to my collection.
Same here. Sucks because it sounded like a cool idea and it had some characters in it that I like. I may add it to my Gamefly Q, cheap way to se if a game is truly a stinker or not.
Well I think is should have both. Red Faction 2 was the game that got me into FPS. It had a great solo campaign and a really robust multiplayer. But I know what you mean. The multiplayer option they tacked onto Metroid Prime 2 was fun for a little while but it got predictable once everyone figured out where the power ups were and there were and it only had like 3 or 4 maps. At the same time I enjoy playing Multiplayer on Borderlands 2 from titme to time, but I mostly play solo. Its just nice to have the option and know that it is still going to be good and not just some half ass stuff tacked on at the last minute. Do it right or don't bother is my phylosophy.
I actually liked the Mario Bro movie too, guilty pleasure I suppose.lol
He really was a great actor and I always felt he was way under rated. Sorry to hear he has moved on.
Ah, but it feels so good when you win by the skin of your teeth in those big epic fights.
I need to finish Graces too. Seems all I play as of late is Skyrim and Borderlands 2. I'm afraid its been so long that I will have to restart so I will know what the heck is going on.
That convict game with the stealth kills Rockstar made. That game just made me feel grimy.
FFVII was my first FF experience too. But Chrono Trigger was what got me interested in playing FF. Admittedlly it took me about 5 year to beat FFVII. Mostly because I was a completionist and wanted to find and do everything (still have not beat Emerald or Ruby Weapon yet). And I stopped to play other stuff like Xenogears and Breath Of Fire III. But congrats, this game really does have a great ending, plus it alway feels good to finish a game.
Godzilla sized Goomba is the easier way by a longshot. Even at two feet tall Godzilla would still be a serious threat never mind a 100 of them running around setting shit on fire and spouting radiation. Goomba is just going to walk around. Lead him to the ocean and let him drown. Easy.
Looks like a Mana game with lots of bug enemies. Honestly I have no idea.
Your not alone Lee. I'm still rockin a DS Lite circa 2008.lol But I would love to have a 3DSXL.