I won't be upgrading for awhile.
I won't be upgrading for awhile.
I've managed to beat Strange Journey on the Law route but I was horribly under prepared and poorly made my party. It was a surprise that I even brute forced it.
As for DemiKids many people wrote it off because of lesser reasons such as calling it a Pokemon ripoff or comparing it to the other SMT games released at the time. If you do find a copy just be ready for the menu system.
Soundtrack could have used a few improvements (The "choir chanting" sounds like a bunch of men grunting) but the game in both presentation and gameplay is pretty damn awesome.
So you're going for a New 3DS?
I had to use guides to set up my classes on the Golden Sun games but in any case DemiKids didn't have much of a guide for it's fusion system like it does with any game with a booklet or Fusion Search.
I might be able to figure it out since the basic formula for fusion is common through most of the series but it might take some time since the families are bundled in "types" and some fusions will be different if the selection order is swapped. My only saving grace was Pure Fusion, which by fusing the same demon a certain amount of times will get me a stronger demon of that species instead of elementals (Like fusing a bunch of Jack Frosts to make a King Frost).
I've been meaning to buy something from them but I always tend to mooch their free games.
That kind of blows to miss out.
What Alex said. I actually have one of Wadjet Eye Games' other titles on my Steam library: Primordia.
It's compatible for the Wii U as well?
Thanks, but I'm afraid of no ghosts.