Hmm, a Sonic MMO... *shudder*
Hmm, a Sonic MMO... *shudder*
I'm sure I will use them. The main reason I've never been one for forums, I think, is that I don't like talking to people I don't know (that holds true for real life as well as the internet). And I've never "met" any of you fine folks here, I've gotten to know you all to varying degrees, so that really changes things. For instance, back after Shin Megami Tensei IV came out there were several of us playing it at the same time (Mothman and jgusw; seems like there was someone else too...Snee, maybe?) and whenever one of us would mention it in a blog, we'd have a little discussion in the comments about where we were in the story, what we thought of things, etc. It was really cool. A forum would have been perfect for that.
Always good to hear that someone is, ya know, NOT DEAD. So congrats on that and the move. I hope you can get your own internet sometime soon, though being a ninja is pretty awesome.
I'm glad there's the red lining inside Capaldi's outfit. Looks a little bland otherwise. I'm excited, though, for when things start back up again.
Lookin' good! I might actually use these things. Egads, man!
Well, this is a pleasant surprise! I knew the world needed more games star angsty leprechauns lol. Seriously, though, this looks really cool. The size of the sprites kind of limits how much action can happen on screen at once but it sure is pretty and certainly looks fun. $70 is steep but that was a typical price point at the time, and that's not accounting for all the inflation since then!
Maybe because it's the heart of winter and the cheer of Christmas is past? Everything is just dark and cold.
I downloaded it when it hit PS+ but I haven't tried it yet. I haven't play a Devil May Cry game since since the original, so I'm looking forward to giving it a try.