yeah, if you check out the latest trailer, they explain the "Dynobots" origin. I think it makes sense personally.
yeah, if you check out the latest trailer, they explain the "Dynobots" origin. I think it makes sense personally.
I'm very excited for Fall of Cybertron. WFC was a great game, and I spent a lot of time on it. The multiplayer was some of the most fun I'd personally had for a shooter in a while. Though the community was small, it was definitely a blast to drive, transform in the air, kill someone, then transform back all in one sequence.
I hear that the MP now has fully customizable characters, unlike the paintjob switch of the first game. Now you can actually customize peices and make your class more personal. I hope this turns out to be true.
Only thing that bothers me is the removal of co-op for the Story Mode, but its a small price to pay for better character development and level design. Hopefully High Moon knocks this one out of the park.
Hearing this made me really sad. I haven't bought KoA:R yet mainly due to the fact that I dont really have the time for it, but its a game on my wishlist for the future. I feel a lot of gamers might have been in the same boat but its unfair that due to selling only 1.4m, its considered a failure. Plus, i feel pretty terrible for the hundreds of people who lost their jobs because of this.
Looks interesting. Ill keep my eye on this one.
haha, maybe i was playing titan, in my previous comment i meant God difficulty, lol
yeah i kno, God of War epitomises false difficulty. It was more frustrating than hard, but that said it was satisfying to win. I literally had to do everything in my power to beat Zeus and it felt good to best him. Screw titan tho, lol
Oh God of War 3 on hard mode... I almost destroyed my controller doing the Scorpion fight near the end, and Zeus, oh patience was tested to the highest degree, lol
Do we need it? No, not at all.
That said, i think it will be more beneficial than hurtful. One of my major gripes with God of War 3 was that after finishing the game, there was absolutely no use for it anymore except for adding to my collection. People are looking for value in their purchases now and Multiplayer is the best route for them. Making a 20 to 30 hour campaign doesnt work with GoW's forumula, so it only makes sence.
That said, just like with Mass Effect and Assassins Creed, i worry that it won't be very good but those games ended up having pretty good MP so we'll see...
I'm a tad bit surprised. This game was surely on a lot of people's most wanted list for the year, but delays are usually good when it comes to games like this. Plus they get to avoid the mad rush of the holidays.
Im personally happy about this because now I have a chance to finish the original game.
Thats a great list as well. If I added the games that I'm anticipating, this list would be crazy long, lol. I did realize I forgot Rayman Origins and Deus Ex: Human Revolution, both games I bought on impulse but both also very good. I am glad that at least these are great games to look forward to as you mentioned.
There are some games that Im just scared to touch, like Skyrim and Dragon Age: Origins, just because they are monstrous in length and Id rather just take care of most of these first. Its a daunting task, but not impossible! Good luck with your list as well!