Oh,er.........(tries to find sly exit point out of this predicament but fails!) It must have been an accident,bro! Your invitation was obviously meant for someone else! (awkward conniving grin)
Oh,er.........(tries to find sly exit point out of this predicament but fails!) It must have been an accident,bro! Your invitation was obviously meant for someone else! (awkward conniving grin)
You weren't missing out on anything "spectacular". lol. Count yourself lucky!
I feel you,bro. I have a huge enough back log to last me ions! I do hope ms gradually changes things for the better though. Afterall, they have a clause saying they can change their policies at any time. Silver lining & all that!
Ha!Ha!Ha! Too true. Damn you QTEs,damn you! I thought maybe you'd die in this ending generation but no,you live still in the future! (Shakes fist at the malificient god of QTEs)
Matt, you're not special! (Or maybe they just know you're smart so they didn't bother. lol) I should get one though. My facebook profile photo has "gullible uneducated putz" written all over it. lol.
I hope that phrase works to our benefit but it usually works to our detriment,Britt. lol.
Mackey could be "aight" sometimes. However when he started his "This week in misogyny" nonsense there was no stopping the idiocy. Granted "sexism" does exist but often times Bob would mistake "sexiness" for "sexism" and most of his concerns were focused around boob physics,exaggerated proportions in anime concept art, and the tear away clothing feature in titles like 3rd Birthday. Aka, frivilous fantasy escapism stuff not actually effecting real people. Personally I don't always play games or read comic books for politically correct realism. Er, not that the whole of reality is "politically correct" in the first place.
I think Justin Bieber was built from the ground up to be male objectification. Not to mention he's going through all the usual cliched stereotypes (Aka, from clean cut young innocent lad to spikey haired jean sagging bad boy) The shit is so obviously fake I'm surprised the teenaged girls don't see right through it. However, maybe "beliebers" are like me with wrestling. Aka, they know it's all "scripted" but they still find it entertaining to watch anyway. lol.
I kind of wondered if Mackey was trying to get in someone's pants too. I mean we've all been struck dumb when "love" or "lust" was on the brain. However, he's still throwing around the usual rhetoric on joystiq so eh, at the very least he's sticking to his guns. (Even if those guns are loaded with stupid-shot)
I kind of doubt Phantom Pain is going to be Xbox one exclusive. The MS saga has a history being on sony's platforms. As for DragonAge Inquisition, I'm rather sure even if there is an Xbox one version it'll also have a pc counterpart. (And hopefully by the time it launches I'll have the specs needed to play it.) Likewise I'm sure Witcher 3 will have a pc version. Titanfall and Quantum break look "aight" but they don't have me creaming my pants or anything.
That's the problem with any group,Michael. Aka the jerks are the most vocal. You 100% nailed it! Still, I do take some issue with many of today's women.(Despite knowing some really kindhearted and awesome females too.) Aka, women that want independence but still want men paying for dates,paying for movies,paying for jewelery,and paying for the marriage. Also, when it comes time for the divorce most guys get "dicked" big time.
However, I admit my social status has made me a tad too embittered. Aka, as much as I want to be a "great provider" for a woman I care about it would be very difficult for me to do so "unless" I met one of those wonderfully rare "true feminists" who worked and already had her life together. Aka, a woman who wouldn't expect me to "man up" by flipping the bill for everything. (Don't get me wrong. I believe in generosity but it's hard to be overly generous with material things when you are poor)
There are many socio economic obstacles in my life that make dating more of a chore than it should be. Like it or not, many of us get suckered into social expectations and we do actually care what others think about us. On the dating totem pole I rank as "Gurl, you can do better than him!". Eventually this kind of peer pressure can really screw with otherwise decent relationships.
Regardless, I really prefer the term "equalist". When I throw in a "fem" or "man" into a word structured around civil rights for all people it seems "wrong" somehow.
Lastly, Bob already showed his colors to me and I agree he's not a "true feminist". I think he uses it as a cover just to get more sympathy but deep down he's sexist in a more subtle veiled way. (Aka,white knight syndrome)