Kotor 2 was a great game. Perhaps it was more "incomplete" and bug ridden than the first entry, but it's still worthy of praise. I just wish the HK-47 quest hadn't been broken.
Kotor 2 was a great game. Perhaps it was more "incomplete" and bug ridden than the first entry, but it's still worthy of praise. I just wish the HK-47 quest hadn't been broken.
Swag,so much swag! You could build a fortress out of game cartridges & cds!
Yeah, who was that guy that suggested I get a psp? (Kidding,Peter. lol.) But yeah, I'd say it's a great handheld with a very impressive library of games!
It's difficult for me to defend publishers if they're going along with all this. However, I do not know to what extent they're "agreeing" with these new policies. I imagine there are some grey areas and room for conjecture.
Personally "purdy new graphics" aren't enough to buy my loyalty but you are right, I don't speak for everyone else.
I do "hope" consumers stick to their guns though. If we buy into all this now it's just going to get worse and worse. We're in a down-hill spiral right now as buyers. We should fight for our rights instead of handing them over to greedy tyrants. (In my personal opinion)
Glad you appreciated this game too,Julian. Definitely an underrated gem!
I put "if" in parenthesis. lol. This was mainly a joke post. However, ms has already done much to piss me off. Sure, I love my 360 but very few of us are "thrilled" about the Xbox one. I hate to be a pessimistic snark but ms hasn't given me many "positives" to be optimistic about.
My only hope is they learn from their mistakes and redesign "The One" multiple times until it's actually a "good" game console.
Snow looks like classic Dante in a new suit. lol. It's kinda cool but not that original. Congrats on graduating of course. You go,Britt!
Yeah, you can spend 300 BP to repair her threads,Aaron. I just wish I could get Aya a military kevlar flak jacket. lol.
You've gotten me to look them up. I am intrigued!
"If" this is true.......(raaaaaaaaaage building) .....microsoft can go kill itself! Ah, what the hell. I feel this way about them already. Just another normal day for me. lol.