I do remeber that Best Buy had Jump All Stars for sale one time. I was so confused because I though you need a Japanese DS to play it but hearing that its region free makes so much more sense now.
I do remeber that Best Buy had Jump All Stars for sale one time. I was so confused because I though you need a Japanese DS to play it but hearing that its region free makes so much more sense now.
Its really amazing how many visual novels have come over in the last few years. Its gone up considerably. The only thing that really standing in the way is just translations costs.
Oh yeah, its full of that late 90's/ Earily 2000's Japanese Americana that definately so Sega. I never thought about that until you pointed that out.
Its weird that GE2 doesn't have a realease date. I thought the cameo in Project X Zone kind of solidified the fact that Bandai Namco had some interest in porting it to the west. Maybe they will, eventually.
You should try one out, especially Future Perfect. Its a really great game and probably the best in the series.
What's worst is the fact I think the guys who made the game are also big TS fans. I mean you have to find keycards in your cars! That's so TS!
Yes. Its a shame Free Radical got bought out by Crytek and has just become another development wing instead of them doing their own thing.
Wow, that's surpising that neither of those options are available.
Thank you.
Its a bit of a weird story but Cyberbots is a lesser known Capcom fighting game. Most people know of two of the characters that stared in it, Jin Satome and Princess Devilot, from the Marvel Vs. Capcom games. I think I'm going to write about that next week, now that you asked. I mean, I think you asked right? I didn't go all motor mouth and spew out too much info right?