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Super Step's Comments - Page 279

Toy Time: Pack-in Imaginators

Posted on 11/17/2017 at 12:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

None of these are Shovel Knight. 0/10

Year Goal Complete!

Posted on 11/17/2017 at 12:47 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Wait, what are the other six games?

Top Ten Tips For Video Game Devlopment

Posted on 11/17/2017 at 12:45 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I step 11 to love yourself?

Thor Ragnarok and Fable II Nearly Done

Posted on 11/16/2017 at 02:34 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't mind these being fun. I prefer Guardians because it's just consistently a comedy. My issue really isn't with the movie itself but the fact green lady is supposedly a big villain for Infinity Wars? Not sure I can take that seriously now.

Wolfenstein II Woes

Posted on 11/16/2017 at 02:29 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I pretty much just turn the tv on and maybe adjust volumes ... If that. Game takes a second to load but eh.

The Games of the SNES Classic Edition

Posted on 11/15/2017 at 02:58 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Do you stop at Dairy Palace when visiting Canton? It's always a stop for me when I go up to Dallas. 

I remember being amazed at the 3D graphics in Mario Kart. They're not as impressive now, but I think they still hold up. 

I watched a friend play Super Mario RPG at his place and again LOVED the graphics ... but I can't say I love RPGs. 

The Yoshi's Island art style is so unique. I don't remember much about that game, but the art style is great. If a five-year-old can draw like that, you can color me impressedCool

I still don't know if I'd cry at that point in SM, but that's a cute story about your brother. 

My brother's girl friend (note the space) had LttP at her place when we were little and I always thought it looked boring. I definitely wasn't into the medieveal fantasy thing at the time. In fact, I didn't want to play Zelda until Majora's Mask came out, because I liked the dark vibe of it. I'm a lot more into stuff like LttP now though. 

I never even knew the Punch Out games were a real thing until much later in life. Even after seeing a Simpsons episode with NES Punch Out featured in it as a kid. I thought they made it up for the episode. 

Yeah, F-Zero and Mario Kart had some great Mode 7 graphics. I still think F Zero X is my favorite, due to the butt rock soundtrack. I still remember reading in the instruction manual about all the people who died participating in those races. 

DKC looked amazing in itd say, but that's one of the games whose graphics I'm not sure have aged well. 

I love MMX, but MMX2 has a more special place in my heart just because I rented it first and thought the opening stage with the motorcycles and giant robot was so cool. If I'd gotten to the end, maybe I'd have cried for Zero. 

I think I played SFII: Turbo more than any other SNES game; mostly cause it was the easiest to jump into. 

I'd love to play Castlevania IV, and I'd probably play a little bit of Super Ghosts and Goblins or Contra 3 and give up. Castlevania IV I think I might actually be able to beat.

I loved Star Fox as a kid because of the graphics, but 64 blew my mind. 

I want an SNES Classic for Star Fox 2 in particular, but it stinks everyone seems to think it's a let-down. Oh well. 

Thor Ragnarok and Fable II Nearly Done

Posted on 11/15/2017 at 02:33 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I thought the new Thor movie was really fun, but there were some serious moments I didn't really feel the impact of because it's pretty much a straight up comedy. I do love the imagery in the battle scene at the end though. Someone described it as a 70s metal album cover come to life. I can't argue with that. 

Only problem is, isn't the green lady supposed to be super-menacing? Cause the tone of the movie kind of ruined that effect for me. I know she killed a lot of people and destroyed ASGARDIA, but it was done in the midst of jokes about The Devil's Anus. Kind of hard to take it seriously. 

How to Combat Stagnation in Long Running Series

Posted on 11/15/2017 at 02:30 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I think Far Cry 5 is set in Montana. While media depictions of Texas may make it look like "country bumpkin land," there's actually a lot they could do with the major cities in addition to rural areas. San Antonio (major Hispanic influences in food and culture) is completely different than Houston (culturally diverse, humid, terrible traffic) or Austin (Hipster Land and political capital) or Dallas (white collar bankers driving Porsches and the only think to do is eat or shop for clothing) or where I live in Nacogdoches (oldest town, basically a suburb with a university in it). 

BUT yes, they could do a lot with a game set completely outside the U.S. Personally, I'd love one about Somali pirates. 

Anyway, I actually prefer the story in the two Tomb Raider games to the first 3 Uncharted games. Not necessarily the mainline story, but I love how finding trinkets in TR actually fleshes out Lara's character (you get therapy sessions tapes! I ... actually really like that) as opposed to just "you found a trinket" in Uncharted. They're both B-movie stories to me at the end of the day. In Uncharted's defense, the set pieces can be more interesting, so ... honestly, I see these games as basically on equal footing, if not essentially the same concept. 

I think Shovel Knight stands in for Mega Man well enough for me now (especially since you can play as four different characters and essentially Treasure Trove is four different games), but I would like a new 2D Castlevania. Or a good 3D Castlevania. I'm fine with the setting of the Dark Souls games there, but I don't want a stamina meter and I need my triple-jumping. 

Ode to Chrono Crossing: My game of the year for every year I have played games

Posted on 11/15/2017 at 02:07 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I might do something like this as well, since I missed so many. 

When I saw the title, I thought this would just be dedicated to Chrono Crossing the game and that would be your favorite game for every year ... including the 80s, somehow. 

Lots of Nintendo and Final Fantasy on your list. Did you do a blog on Bee Wary? 

October 2017 Recap

Posted on 11/15/2017 at 02:06 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I really need to buy a Yakuza game. 

I'm still torn between Kiwami (cheaper) and Zero (already invested in). 

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