If yours comes with the original game, be sure to try that first. Though it has aged in a number of ways.
If yours comes with the original game, be sure to try that first. Though it has aged in a number of ways.
That CE was out of my price range. You were smart to jump on that one quickly though, as it seems to be going for up to $300 now!
I hear that a lot, that it's not good as a Tomb Raider title. It is indeed ironic how Uncharted was first seen as a Tomb Raider clone. Now it's the other way around.
It will keep me busy until at least August when Destiny comes out, I'm sure!
From what I hear of Symphonia is that the battle system is its strong suit, while the story is pretty cliche. If you didn't really like the battle system, there probably wasn't much left to enjoy, right?
Yeah, PQ2 will be something to play next time I'm on a long bus ride. I'm really no expecting much from it, nor do I plan to play it very long.
I have no experience with earlier TR titles yet. Something tells me it will be hard to go back to the reboot after I'm finished with the collection.
I used to be that way. I don't play games nearly as much as I used to though.
I personally liked the added exploration in TR. It's something I think even Uncharted could borrow from. Without that, I would have written it off as an Uncharted clone.
You're dead-on about those crumpling ledges. To be fair though, Uncharted does that way too much as well.
Let me know how good Dark Arisen is when you play it. Maybe I'm missing out.
I don't know when I'll get to Symphonia. It's such a long game so I will most likely play all my shorter games first (which is inching pretty close to double-digits right now).