As a kid I was always conflicted about Pac-Man cereal. I love Pac-Man, and I love cereal. But Pac-Man cereal had marshmallows and I've always hated marshmallows. If I went to a friend's house and they ate Lucky Charms for breakfast, i'd always take out my marshmallows and put them in my friend's bowl. And their mom would wonder why they were so hyper for the rest of the day. Pac-Man cereal lasted a pretty long time for that kind of thing, though. Probably because they added marshmallows later like giant Super Pac-Man marshmallows (to add insult to injury), and Ms. Pac-Man marshmallows (which looked like teeth to me).
Ah, Namco Museum vol. 4, the one with the C on the cover. Probably had the best museum music in the whole franchise. Best game on that one was Ordyne. My brother Jeff and I played that a lot when he was a kid. He could never remember the name, so he called it "The Flying Game." Took me forever to figure out what he was talking about when he first asked to play it by that name. Wish we got Namco Museum Encore in the US.
YOUR pretend present is a box of new Streets of Rage Cereal! It has super vitamins in it, so when you eat it, you'll be strong enough to punch oil barrels and disintergrate them with one hit, and you'll be able to beat up ALL the bad guys!