That is the main commandment of the bible! The fucking biggest thing in that book, and yet its the thing everyone ignores!
That is the main commandment of the bible! The fucking biggest thing in that book, and yet its the thing everyone ignores!
His disciples are men, therefore what they say, unless said by jesus, don't mean shit. That's like the pope saying that god now expects you to kill a baby to get into heaven. Not said by god or jesus, doesn't fucking matter.
Secondly, if that's true, god's an asshole. Why? There are millions of people in countries that have very little christianity. Essentially what you're saying is that anyone in India, China, Russia, or other countries like that are just going to get fucked over because they had no way of knowing or accepting Jesus as their saviour. If that's true, then he is basically more evil than Hitler, and I aint worshipping the fucker.
Nah, you didn't sound overly preachy. Just like a man standing up for what he believes in. Honestly, it's not the bible most have a problem with, it's how modern religions twist it. I know the Bible has some good morals and guidelines, However, it's not for me. If God exists, and he's a loving individual, he's not going to kill people for disbelieving in him, and if he is, fuck him, I don't want to worship an asshole like that. See, if he is a loving god, as long as you do good, you should be saved, and beliefs shouldn't matter. Therefore the whole saving thing is redundant.
Look, my Dad is a great guy, I just hate the fact that he's so religious to the point where he denies himself things he likes. His favourite band used to be Iron Maiden, but he won't listen to them now because they're demonic. Hell, he thinks Lord of the Rings is demonic, and won't watch it even though he fucking loves fantasy. As a "Hater of Violence" he won't watch anything with blood or gore in it, and he won't watch anything with too much swearing. Nor will he watch anything with magic in it. I find that kinda faith retarded tbh.
Also, fuck off with John 3:16. That and Matthew 24:14 are two scriptures I never want to read again because I've heard them so much.
And oh, I do. It's fun. There are good christians and bad christians. I've just seen too many bad ones that I forget the good ones exist.
Back on the topic of homosexuality though... all old rules were wiped out by jesus who brought his own laws. However, he never once mentions homosexuality. Not once.
Exactly, old fashioned. If that rule is outdated, why isn't homosexuality? Why do people pick and choose which parts of the bible apply? Should I take up slaves? No. That doesn't apply to our society, and neither do these rules that are being shoved down our throats.
Also, I've read the bible multiple times. For my Dad to accept me not being a christian, I had to read the bible through and actually find fault with it. He still doesn't believe there's fault with it or his precious cult, but I have read pretty much the whole bible. Judges is a fucking awesome book, I'll give it that. Damn it's messed up.
Deuteronomy 22:28-29: “If a man meets a virgin who is not betrothed, and seizes her and lies with her, and they are found, 29 then the man who lay with her shall give to the father of the young woman fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife, because he has violated her. He may not divorce her all his days."
Also, if a woman is raped and doesn't cry loud enough:
The bible is fucked up.
I'd argue that voting is stupid. See, as long as there are people, things will be fucked up. We want everything to be better without doing anything about it, so nothing will ever get fixed. As long as we don't have Hitler, it matters not who is in power, for all menare fuckheads. Like it or not, marriage is seen as the ultimate act of love. I don't really believe in marriage, but everyone should have the right to marry.
Also, I feel we argue too much. I also feel that it weird that I like arguing with you so much :p
Exactly. Don't judge. Do to others what you want them to do to you. This is what real christians should do, not make death threats to minorities.
Fuck them with a fire poker.
Damn straight.
Exactly. Don't judge is the one sin that every christian commits.
With me? I straight up hate Christianity and what it stands for. I think it's outdated, racist, misogynist trash with no merit in todays society. I don't hate Christians, just the religion in general. I hold fast the right everyone has to believe something, but my opinion is and always will be that not only Christianity, but organised religion in general is one of the most evil and insidious things on the planet.
Why is Christianity targeted? It's targeted for the same reason celebrities are: because it's famous. Even more so because it's supposed to be about all that's good and stuff. So when it fucks up it kinda makes a splash.
The reason gay people want to get married is about equality, they want the same basic right as every one else, and the fact that they don't is equivelant to black people not being able to vote - ie fucking abhorrent.
The simple fact of the matter is that the Salvation Army is a charity that gives to the poor and in need. Saying anyone should die is fucked up, especially people who've done nothing wrong. The bible says that if a woman is raped and she doesn't marry the person who raped her, she should be stoned to death. So, honestly? Fuck the bible, and it's stupid archaic rules.