Look forward to it,Cary! Hope you enjoyed FF despite being scared. lol.
Look forward to it,Cary! Hope you enjoyed FF despite being scared. lol.
I don't know anything about an online pass, Nsonic. I'll tell you if I find out it does though. According to the tracking info it should arrive sometime tommorow!
For the record, the version I'm getting has all the extra content on the disc. I don't know if the same content was all released as dlc for the vanilla version of NG3.
Liked the music video for skeleton boy. They created a trippy effect with rather simple tricks of the eye!
Dude, NG on the nes was murder. lol. Somehow I was able to soldier through them. (At least 1 & 2. I never beat the third NG on the nes though.) The difference is I might not have the same steel resolve anymore. If I can beat Razor's Edge on normal that will probably be enough for me. I also don't care if the 360 port of Razor's edge has a few problems so long as it's a decent experience overall. If I encounter any weird bugs,glitches, or slow down I'll be sure to relay that information to the rest of you!
Razor's edge is reputedely better than vanilla NG 3. I can't say how it stacks up to pass iterations though. I remember I almost got NG 2 but was pissed that there was the Sigma version on the PS3 that had additional playable characters and more extras. (Though I believe that version lacked blood. Weird.)
Alejandro may also be right about the Wii U port being the best. It's just I have no Wii U so I cannot say for sure!
Same here. Sometimes I start on easy before moving up to normal but other times I skip easy all together.
Missed out on the greatness of NG and NG Sigma on account I didn't have an Xbox,Matt. Sounds fun though. Love the rank "ninja dog". Funny,heh!
Got it for the 360,Daft! Can't wait to play it. Ninja mayhem! (Go ninja,go ninja,go??)
You knob! Just kidding. lol. You actually look like a friend I had named Michael (who loved to cook) but that was a long time ago.
This man....I've seen him before! IT'S JOE! Dun! Dun! Dun!