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Super Step's Comments - Page 286

Question Time!

Posted on 10/23/2017 at 01:09 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Most recently, the media to scare me most was the Resident Evil VII demo. It's the first thing in a while I've had to put down due to heart palpitations. Why I thought I would just play through the demo again to find the "better ending" I don't know. Dude walking past the door still got to me when I knew it was coming. 

Otherwise, I'd say a book full of Edgar Allen Poe poems really got me as a kid.

Scariest moment of my life was last year, for reasons I'm not sure I'd want on a podcast. I can't really think of anything in real life that's really scared me and wasn't incredibly personal. I'll just say I hate small spaces. Claustrophobia/crushing is my biggest real life fear. 

Best blend of comedy and horror for me is An American Werewolf in London. That movie had me laughing out loud, especially the abrupt ending. 

From the Google Image search results I'm seeing, I'd say Bayonetta 1 is preferable. Her face just looks rounder/cuter. 

What an Overrated Concept

Posted on 10/23/2017 at 12:29 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I like episode 5, but that's me. I kinda saw that ending coming, so I wasn't really disappointed in it. They were basically saying "hey you have time powers, but you really shouldn't fuck with them" since episode 1.

What an Overrated Concept

Posted on 10/20/2017 at 06:09 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I never argued that it wasn't a well crafted game though. Just that its ranking among similar titles is subjective. 

I think people are getting the impression I'm shitting on SM or something, when I'm just saying, as a fan, I think people overhype it with the "best game ever" talk. 

Honestly, my issue is with any one piece of art being rated as "best ever _____" and Super Metroid just happens to be a thing people do that with. I love Super Metroid. I just think basically nothing should be ranked in that way, hence overrated in my eyes. 

Don't worry, I'm probably the one not communicating this properly. But now I'm hungry.

Update/The Evil Within Impressions (12 hours in)

Posted on 10/20/2017 at 12:22 PM | Filed Under Blogs

And my favorite horror would be Eternal Darkness, but I've not played it in forever, so ... who knows?

What an Overrated Concept

Posted on 10/20/2017 at 12:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Alright, so SotN may not have been the best example, but I honestly get about the same amount of pleasure from Metroid games I do from Metroid-like Castlevania games; it just depends what mood I'm in. To me, it's just a subjective rating that automatically overrates it when you say "best of all time."

Oh, trust me. I know there are people who don't like Life is Strange because cognitive dissonance won't allow them to see themselves in it. But there are still things about it that aren't great. I love it anyway. 

I think Warren is every awkward nerd teen. Sure, he is cringey, but I get annoyed when the Internet says he comes off "rapey." I don't see any indication of anything like that. 

Update/The Evil Within Impressions (12 hours in)

Posted on 10/20/2017 at 12:14 PM | Filed Under Blogs

You're going to be on NWP? What's the discussion? This is all I care about now.

Bloodborne Revisit

Posted on 10/18/2017 at 12:44 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I saw someone compare Jak and Daxter to Souls games recently and thought, "so is the only requirement now that it's at least decent and exists within a relatively large 3D world?"

I've never personally played a Souls game and can't get into Bloodborne, but I'm sure the games are fine for those interested. I just get tired of certain Dark Souls fans saying ANYTHING good is "like Dark Souls." Which is weird, cause you'd think fans would celebrate the things that make the series distinct. 

What an Overrated Concept

Posted on 10/14/2017 at 08:33 PM | Filed Under Blogs

SM is cool, but I definitely don't share the reverence for Metroid as a whole many do.

What an Overrated Concept

Posted on 10/14/2017 at 08:32 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I feel nostalgic for my childhood cause there seemed to be a lot more emotion there in general than I experience in adulthood.

What an Overrated Concept

Posted on 10/14/2017 at 08:31 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm not qualified to handle the big red x.

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