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Super Step's Comments - Page 287

What an Overrated Concept

Posted on 10/14/2017 at 08:31 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Imo just about every Metroid game drags in a few places and has too much backtracking. But that's basically me agreeing with your last paragraph, so ... 

Episode 121: This One Gets a Bit (Digital) and Dicey

Posted on 10/13/2017 at 07:21 PM | Filed Under Feature

Forgot about those. That did make me "gah!" 

I was thinking earlier in the game.

Special: Swedish Meatballs

Posted on 10/13/2017 at 01:51 PM | Filed Under Feature

But was the plumber going to fix anything, or are Swedish plumbers just strippers? 

Are there babysitters in that comic book you're editing? 

"I know more than I'm able to back up with actual action." I can't relate to that at all. That is a specific-to-you problem, Angelo. No one else has that problem. Particularly not I. 

I ... don't really know anything about the games being discussed. Well, Samus Returns is a Metroid, but ...

Episode 121: This One Gets a Bit (Digital) and Dicey

Posted on 10/13/2017 at 12:47 PM | Filed Under Feature

So, this is not meant as a "meathead" comment by any means; I seriously couldn't handle REVII's demo because my heart rate went through the roof during REPLAYS of it when I already knew what was coming, but ... where were there jump scares in Arkham Knight? I'm not doubting it at all, I just don't remember them. I could see the scene where Joker is torturing Robin being scary, but I dunno if it's a jump scare.  

Episode 121: This One Gets a Bit (Digital) and Dicey

Posted on 10/11/2017 at 10:56 PM | Filed Under Feature

As someone who enjoys 2D Metroids, I still think it's overrated/overhyped, but I'm sorry if I came off more biting than I meant to be. My comment wasn't meant to attack or get a rise out of anyone.

And yes, on a technical level, there's nothing wrong with Super Metroid, but I think like Citizen Kane, there are people who never actually played it going around saying it's the best game ever, and to me, that's just not true. It's not "I don't like this type of game," but more "I really don't get whatever emotion or sense of depth everyone else does here, even though I really like it."

I get what you're saying though. If someone were to study video games as we study film now, I would definitely tell someone to get a copy of SM without hesitation. I just think calling something the best ever just about automatically makes it overrated in my eyes. 

But great stage select concept. I'm still sad my comment didn't post, but the podcast guest slagging genres did generally what I would've said, only I would have said it about choose your own adventure games (Life is Strange in particular, one of my personal favorite games that I can easily see the flwas of) and 2D indie games ( which I LOVE, but don't think need to be praised as best game of the year every time they come out after 2012), and ... I forgot the other one. But as I said, great podcast. 

Episode 121: This One Gets a Bit (Digital) and Dicey

Posted on 10/11/2017 at 05:12 PM | Filed Under Feature



3. The Gibdos (correction: Re-Deads) from Ocarina of Time. I think their appearance in a kid-friendly game gave them an unexpected quality that helped them be more scary than they really had a right to be. 


2. The setpieces from Until Dawn. Meh to the monsters and "killers," but the areas themselves did a good enough job of keeping me in "creeped out" mode enough for the jump scares to work ... the first time. Now, it's just kind of silly, but still fun. 


1. The "Your Memory Card is being erased" screen from Eternal Darkness. Fuck that guy. 




Mega Man. I think 2 is definitely a better game, and if this was about nostalgia then I'd pick Double Dragon. But I really like the original Mega Man ... except for that one stage with the moving platforms that also dump you. Not fond of that at all, really.

Episode 121: This One Gets a Bit (Digital) and Dicey

Posted on 10/11/2017 at 04:30 PM | Filed Under Feature

I think Super Metroid is overrated and I'm not trolling. 

It's really good, don't get me wrong, but the GREATEST GAME OF ALL TIME talk from pretty much everyone gets old to me when it doesn't play much differently from other 2D Metroids and I don't really have much of an emotional connection the caves I'm traveling through. 

Also, it was spoiled for me, but I don't personally understand the baby Metroid sacrifice making people cry. 

To me it's like the Citizen Kane of video games in that it's important, an amazing technical achievement and nails what it's going for ... but what's it's going for isn't going to appeal to everyone on the same level, and the "objectively good/bad" thing so many people pull with stuff like this is so annoying it honestly hurts my image of the game more than the game itself in some ways. 

It's great, but that doesn't mean "it has to be everyone's favorite or fuck you." 

Episode 120: Monumental

Posted on 10/09/2017 at 08:46 PM | Filed Under Feature

This is the worst stage select to realize my comment didn't post for. Well, that sucks. I feel like I finally had an interesting response I didn't have to do "research" to think up. 


Well, still looking forward to the podcast anyway. I love hearing opinions that go against the mainstream conscious. It just feels fresh to hear perspectives the culture has almost made "objectively wrong" when "objective" shouldn't even enter into the discussion. 

Great stage select idea, in any case. 

How in the reddit?

Posted on 09/25/2017 at 02:37 PM | Filed Under Blogs

How'd that happen? The -26 karma thing?

In which summer held on for a bit longer, walking everywhere sucks and I give in to early Pokemon.

Posted on 09/25/2017 at 12:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

My friend hadn't seen the first Kingsman, but went to the sequel Saturday I think. He said it was ok, and they were a bit heavy handed with a war on drugs plot of some sort. 

I told him I figured he'd like it better (I've seen the first one) and don't remember the original being political. 

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