I knew the cats were in league with Microsoft. Its a cat conspiracy!
Thanks Matt, though you my friend have skills aplenty, not only do you work your ass off (a talent in it's self) but you have some serious skills with computer programs and concepts. I always look forward to seeing what you have up your sleeve!
Thanks Ben, any praise coming from an artist such as your self is always most welcome! I was working with the idea of reflection in that one, it took forever to get the shadow of the hand and head in the standing queen! Thats what I really like about watercolours, you can just keep adding and removing until your happy.
Thanks dude! the chess board was always sitting around the flat, it's something I make sure goes everywhere with me, and theres always a download version on any handheld I might be using for travel!
Big heads rule, especially those ones that bobble around on springs, Thats one sell out I'm glad Lucas did, one is staring at me from my TV as we speak! Faces are just so easy to get wrong, then again so are hands and feet, its usually the most 'corrected' part of any of my drawings. Cheers for the praise matey
BATTLETOADS! and the super starwars series, donkey kong 3D has me thinking of the possibilities!
More technology is advanced the less 'safe' I feel. Microsoft are treating the actual player as the product now, and I know they will have to honor certain limitations with info storage but honestly we live in a time when we really do have to watch our digital backs. The best defence Microsoft have come up with so far is to give such a bull shit press launch for their new system, they won't be able to store more of my data if I don't own one..... unless the new Kinect has legs and kicks down my door!
This is an awesome concept, I wish/ hope other games out there have similar lost tasks/ quests. What a way for a developer to give a game of that age more replayability. Not the biggest Final Fantasy fan in the world but I can imagine little bits of tantalising level structure in other classics.
Oh yeah, don't wake them up! the only one more grumpy in these pics if her slumber if effected in anyway is my wife!