Haha, there were so many little Pokemon gimmicks between 1999 - 2002, it's hard to keep track. There's a collector somewhere sitting on a sofa made of nothing but pikachu pelts no doubt
Haha, there were so many little Pokemon gimmicks between 1999 - 2002, it's hard to keep track. There's a collector somewhere sitting on a sofa made of nothing but pikachu pelts no doubt
Normal four or five hours??? Wow! How do you stay standing?
I've never even heard of this before. I'll check it out.
I just downloaded Remember Me last night. I haven't played it yet but from what I've seen in reviews the world looks really interesting.
I forgot all about that one!
It's strange, especially with the amazing online community you could build up on the Wii U for battles. I wonder if the thought has crossed their minds with this gens troubles. I mean, there's only so much Mario people can take. Right? I feel like theres a missed opportunity here for a large scale open world 3D Pokemon adventure (as do a heck of a lot of other people obviously). Guaranteed system seller!
I picked up my N64 for $20 maybe three years ago and we found Pokemon Snap in a box at my wifes parents house from when she was younger. So not my largest ever investment to play...
I usually don't bother too much with photography elements to games of other genres unless I have to in order to proceed. I did play around a bit with it in MGS2 though. And I too own a thrift store N64. Best $20 standalone spend on gaming in the last few years easy
Agreed. Someone should release one on the Vita. Perfect console for it.
You're right about the age of instagram. If they allowed you to upload directly from the game also, it would help. Kids these days and their sexting....