Yeah, it is pretty long. It took me 101 hours only because I was too stubborn to level grind sometimes. But give it a go, you wont be disappointed.
Yeah, it is pretty long. It took me 101 hours only because I was too stubborn to level grind sometimes. But give it a go, you wont be disappointed.
Yes, it's now one of my new favorites too. I don't think I did everything the game had, so I may return to it at some point either on the Wii or the new port.
Ahoy V!
Yes, it's a really great game and glad I got to experience it. I really haven't played that many console rpgs so I can't really compare the story to something else, but it was really different from what I ever played. And that plot twist, I never saw it coming. Yeah I don't normally change my party unless it's a Pokemon game but I only had to do so only once in Xenoblade. I don't think I could speed run it in 30 hours, I may if we're talking about starting at the level you left off.
And damn, that's really neat, you went all the way to show me that. Really awesome! It also reminds me that I should open The Last Story and get Pandora's Tower at some point. Wish I knew on that last part.
Same, except I played it for a bit and didn't touch it again till last year. Regret not playing it sooner. Play it, you wont regret it.
You can if you're planning on getting a New 3DS, if not get a copy of it for the New 3DS incase it has a limited release. As for a favorite character, I'd say Rikki. He's the little guy who appears in Shulks final smash and as an assist trophy. He's really funny and apparently one of the best characters to have in your party.
Yes, that was one my favorite parta of it. I love exploring in games so that was right up my alley. Secret location finding was really cool too.
Xenoblade was alreadya great game, but thanks to Smash, the game has gotten more exposure. It does suck that the normal 3DS can't play it. Not sure if it ever got released in South America or Colombia, but it's worth finding a copy if you don't want to spend almost 250 USD on the game with a new system.
Yeah, I don't normally call all the games I play amazing, only a select few, maybe I probably should have worded that better. But yes, it's a great game from start to finish. Like I said before, I need a New 3DS because mine is broken and Nintendo isn't stocking the batteries on their site which sucks. That and the new games it'll have, so if t wasn't broken, I'd buy it either way. Like them more portable too and looking forward to X as well.
It's an rpg, but it's more action than turnbased actually. But that's really up to you.
Same, it'll make a nice late birthday present to myself.