This makes me excited for real. I really liked the last one and felt it was so so close to matching Mario Kart's quality. Though I prefer Mario Kart games more than the first Sega Racing, it was more than a nice change of pace for kart racing.
This makes me excited for real. I really liked the last one and felt it was so so close to matching Mario Kart's quality. Though I prefer Mario Kart games more than the first Sega Racing, it was more than a nice change of pace for kart racing.
Here's a good example of how the online pass can potentially hurt a game. The other day I took battlefield 3 over to a friend's so we could get him in on multiplayer, or at least let him try it out. After the game installed we remembered about the online pass, so instead just ended up not playing it. As a result, he didn't play the game and hasn't bought it.
I definitely want to check this one out, but I'm not in a hurry to. Soul Blade and Soul Calibur 2 have the top spots for me in the series, I didn't care for 3 at all, enjoyed 4 a lot, but was a bit unbalanced. I actually disliked the Star Wars characters, so this one might work out better with me haha.
I'd for sure be up for PixlTalk when 13-2 comes out. I can talk FF games all day (minus 11 and 14, never played them)
I absolutely agree with your comments on Pre-Order DLC, I wish games came packed in with EVERYTHING that was made for it at time of the game. If Game company X decides to make more content for game Y a year after it's release, then I think that's totally fine. When game Y launches with a ton of DLC ready to go that you have to pay extra for, that's just cheating the consumer out of the full product that they just laid down $60+ for.
I remember the good old days when the best games were absolutely packed full of content when you buy it, not with this selective and held back DLC that just prevents people from having the full experience without paying extra money for something they already bought.
Just for listeners, that free PSN shooter Jason's referring to is Super Stardust HD and it is also an amazing little game!
I'm excited for this game, pretty much with the same reasoning that is highlighted in the article. The battle system was awesome, but having more freedom than straight-line corridors is a welcome change to form. I miss the wandering aspect of past FF titles.
I still haven't played Portal 2, I can't wait to play it though, I loved the first one.
I can definitely get what you mean with El Shaddai, I definitely liked that game more than the common gamer haha, it hit the right notes with me and I loved it.
Thanks! I'll check out your blog asap as well.