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Mongoose's Comments - Page 4

Dead or Alive 5 Getting a Visit From Virtua Fighter

Posted on 03/06/2012 at 01:06 AM | Filed Under News

Welll wonders never cease...

2012 is the year of the crossover then. Control wise, it won't be too difficult to put in Virtua Fighters in DOA's world. Punch, Kick, Guard, just add the Throw command.

It would be funny if they put throwback 'skins' of each character from the Playstation/Saturn day...

Blizzard Lays Off 600 Employees

Posted on 03/01/2012 at 02:26 AM | Filed Under News

"Over the last several years, we've grown our organization tremendously and made large investments in our infrastructure in order to better serve our global community."

Translation: We got too big for a company that only releases 1 title a year.

Still though, having Blizzard on your resume gives you +5 to hireablity!

Games Aren't Art and That's Okay With Me

Posted on 02/24/2012 at 02:06 AM | Filed Under Feature

Its a tough call. The word 'art' has gone to redefine itself over the past centuries or so. Its funny that while Mr.Ebert said that games couldn't be art, yet his medium of choice, film is. It comes off as hypocritical in some ways.

No doubt that Ebert's antecedents regarded movies, 'moving pictures' as trite and a waste of time. I'm paraphrasing Movie Bob aka the Gameoverthinker( which discusses this issue on Screwattack), but they wouldn't consider movies art, since it was a collabrative effort, instead of an novelist, painter, sculptor, who takes sole credit for their creation.  The movie auteurs then had to spin the defination that its the director's vision that brings the movie to life. Still, there are producers, actors, hair and make-up artist (which begs the question: Are they artists?), special effects people etc that make a film engaging. Art got redefined.

To take it a step further, Mr.Eberts detractors would probably tell him to read a book, check out the classics from medieval literature, to surrealist poems, that is if they were hip that bag on the latter. Those old crusts in turn, back in their youth, were probably told to put down that Dickens, Mark Twain, Cervantes, as they were considered at best, nonsensical, or worst, tools to subvert the youth. Get the picture?

It seems that through time, things that we know consider art, weren't always held in high regard in their time. The case with video and computer games, is that they've come a long way in such a relative amount of time. From the Odessy in '72, to the present, we went from proof of concept 'wow, we CAN interact with our televisions/monitors' to day a wide range of styles of ranging from mainstream blockbuster, to quirky off-beat titles. That'd be like if in film, they went from the silent films of the late 19th, early 20th century, to 3d, CGI films in the span of 1.5/ 2 generations. There's some growing pains to be had, and some reflecting to do.

The tl;dr version? Again, I share some of Gameoverthinker's sentiments that yes, games can be art and that for our generation the word 'art' got redefined, but it is good art? Not all the time...

Jet Grind Radio Returning to PSN and XBLA

Posted on 02/24/2012 at 02:04 AM | Filed Under News

Remember that are some younger gamers who are scratching their heads going 'Huh what's a 'Dreamcast?'

Better late than never. Its a shame there wasn't a Wii version released this generation, Wii-make or original title. using the Wiimote for making graffiti would have been great...

Now, if they can keep the soundtrack intact...

Nintendo Direct Reveals The Last Story Coming to America, Other Announcements

Posted on 02/22/2012 at 11:32 PM | Filed Under News

2 out of 3 ain't bad? Better late than never? Don't know much about Pandora's Tower, is it really that nice?

"Nintendo also revealed a 3DS collaboration between publishers Capcom, Namco Bandai, and Sega. The project has a teaser site but no word has been given as to what the title will be."

As much I'd like to be the next Smash Bros, that'd be too perfect...

Seaman Coming to 3DS

Posted on 02/21/2012 at 12:34 AM | Filed Under News

If the Dreamcast was thinking, Seaman was talking.

Check out youtube for various ways to mess with Seaman. Though I'd like to enage in a philosphical debate on the state of man (and Seaman), crude toilet humor works too.

Maybe update the port so it includes a Seawoman?

Australia Introduces R18+ Rating

Posted on 02/17/2012 at 12:12 AM | Filed Under News

Yay! The Australian people get to join the rest of civilization...

With it being rolled out by territory, I guess contact your representive, let them know you want to play Manhunt in all its glory =)

Mass Effect 3 Kinect Voice Command Cheat Sheet

Posted on 02/15/2012 at 11:55 PM | Filed Under News

Why do I get the feeling all this extraneous stuff (shoe-horned multiplayer, apps on iphone/ipad, etc) to Mass Effect was dictated by EA on high? Don't they have confidence that it will sell on its own merits?

Karateka is Getting the HD Remake Treatment

Posted on 02/15/2012 at 11:35 PM | Filed Under News

I'm not 30 yet! Don't remind me...

Karateka struck me as avant garde. Considereing the time gap, it might as well be a new series.

Blizzard Takes Issue With Valve's Use of DOTA

Posted on 02/10/2012 at 11:25 PM | Filed Under News

Yeah its a dick move. I don't see id getting a hissy fit with Team Fotress 2, the original was a Quake 1 mod...

Should've picked up the people behind the original DOTA when they had the chance then. But since this is company that if they release more than one title a year, they're busting their ass to the point of caridiac arrest.

Instead of needless litigation, they should focus on cranking Diablo III before we have grandchildren!

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