I'm still unsold on the Switch, mainly because of how little I played my Wii and Wii U. But I played my DS and 3DS so much. Argh! Get your home console out of my portable!
I think Zelda will keep people occupied for a really long time. I just wonder if it is going to be compelling enough with the open world format. I have yet to see that Japanese developers understand what makes open world design work, and hearing that Zelda's map dwarfs Skyrim's worries me. Open worlds are terrible if you don't put interesting things to do in them that don't feel like you are just checking off boxes. *glares at Final Fantasy XV*
I want to cosplay as Agent 47 if I can lose 60 more pounds. It sucks going bald. Not that I had cosplay quality hair to begin with-I looked like Hank Hill in my 20s.