Posted on 04/22/2013 at 01:44 AM
| Filed Under Blogs
I did notice back in the day games had stories but they were more interwoven. Final fantasy 6 had no cut-scenes but still had memorable characters and a good plot. Same with Chrono-Trigger.
While I don't hate cut scenes with every fiber of my being I do think they're too excessive occasionally. That's why I'm grateful when the game I'm playing gives me the option to skip them. (Especially if I already beat the game once so I already know what's going to happen)
I don't know why it's a requirement for games to be "big budget" and "flashy". Does every title released need celebrity voice actors and the very best graphics?
Some of the games I enjoyed the most this year were small obscure gems that simply had fun game-play.
Sure, I can appreciate triple A titles but I think too many companies have unrealistic expectations. If shipping 3 million copies the 1st month equates to "disappointing sales" you better believe something is screwed up about the industry,Joe.