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NSonic79's Comments - Page 306

I'm semi back.

Posted on 07/08/2013 at 08:31 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Enjoy putting back together your game room. there is fun to be had in getting everything set up just right...

OCR Special: Balance and Ruin (FFVI)--disc 1

Posted on 07/08/2013 at 08:30 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Wow. Just... Wow.

If an opera was ever made of this game, this score has to be used. I'd dress up and go to this Opera if it was used!

Happy Fourth Of July!!!

Posted on 07/08/2013 at 08:21 PM | Filed Under Blogs

amen gamer. it's why my passport is now locked up despite the travel stamps I put into it. The world scared me. I'm glad I live in the old Ol' US of A. And thank you for serving in our armed forces. I couldn't do that even if I tried.

Random Update 7/4/13

Posted on 07/08/2013 at 08:19 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm tell you, you need to try out the other freebie games offereing on XBLA. even the doritos games have DLC that could be worth the while. I learnead the "dragon" lesson the hard way, expect for the bruce lee movies thrown my way on netflix. I just wish it would stop recommending me gay and lesbian movies. don't know what's up with that.

Chrozi is revealed! Now officially writing for PixlBit. (sorry)

Posted on 07/08/2013 at 08:16 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Why am I not shocked about this! Your writings could stand on par with other professional writers, it's what got me interested in you after your write up on the Nights digital release.

Just wondered why it didn't happen sooner. Congrats to you sega fan.


Posted on 07/08/2013 at 08:15 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I've been told some comedians relisten to their stand up routines, good or bad if only to learn how a one joke worked/didn't work/or how timing affected it. If antying your recoridng sounds like something that would be heard on "The Moth" radio hour if it had a continues story arch than comedic act. Even the best of them can bomb every now and then.

Tried to buy american made fireworks once. Not a pretty scene. I never saw so many ATF agents in my life.

Tell me you didn't just say that: an open letter to Anita Sarkeesian

Posted on 07/08/2013 at 08:07 PM | Filed Under Blogs

and yet another blog about this woman. I need to see what she's all about now.

Why did “The Last of Us“ get a “free pass” when the "Xbox One" didn’t?

Posted on 07/08/2013 at 08:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Indeed MS didn't help themselves any when it came to try to "sell" the finer points of the Xbox One. Telling us to stick to our Xbox 360's if we wanted an always online system, being vague on their used game policies and their family share program. The delays in telling us why this was the system we wanted since according to their indications this was at least half what what we expected (or was willting to put up with) in this new console.

I'm glad you see the points I was trying to make, as well as the comparison you made on the base of the tree with the juicy fruit on it. INdeed "The Last of Us" is like the tempting fruit. though it's base issues are made known (kinda) the trade off does not seem as bad. It is something we are will to accept given how the dangers are not as direct.

If companies made the effort to make games like "Red Dead Redemption", the need for ONline pass would not be needed. There will always be a second hard market yet if developers make games we gamers are willing to keep awhold off (an issue that Nintendo has taken notice of) things would be much different now.

I too agree that Capcom should be getting some backlash much like microsoft did when it comes to their recent titles. I too have been turned off by them with their on disc DLC policy and re-releasing of game when the original is not a year old yet. But lke you said, the fruit is cheaper than the tree that it grows on.

Why did “The Last of Us“ get a “free pass” when the "Xbox One" didn’t?

Posted on 07/08/2013 at 07:57 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I have to agree that could be one aspect that didn't play well for the Xbox One. Despite MS's claims that these features were the features that gamer's wanted (I assume from focus group testing and prior expierances learned from the Xbox 360), it wasn't enough to help quell the outraged that burned hotter than our sun.

Which also concerns me all the more if that opposite holds true for "The Last of Us". Could this be the game that get's the "Online Pass' game model right? Does it give us so many good things to look forward to with the game that the few negatives (including PSN Pass IMHO) make them seem minimal in the tradeoff? We can't write this up as an excellent marketing ploy, the game is solid! Very few games have been able to figure out this formula, which makes me concerned that after all the money and time other companies have put into their ONline Pass systems, this game will make them think "perhaps there is something to this afterall.". Only time will tell I suppose.

Why did “The Last of Us“ get a “free pass” when the "Xbox One" didn’t?

Posted on 07/08/2013 at 07:50 PM | Filed Under Blogs

that was the point in my "simplifcation" of the issue that I spoke of. If you broke down their policies to their bare bones, their core fundimentals, their basic root structure, their foundation in being created, they are relatively the same.Their causes are basically the same when you take the time to look at their basic function.

Yes when you look at their effects, they are starkly different. the point to my blog wasn't to try to show that their effects are the same, that their core causes can be looked upon in a similar light. something that many overlook given how the policies of the Xbox One at the time had such a dramtic and thus immediate threat to gaming. I wouldn't call overlooking the core issues of the two polcies blinding but I can understand why gamers would see the two differently. Online Pass has a passive approach to changing how games are made, played and sold, that it isn't such a direct threat that demands an immediate response like with the Xbox One. If anything I wish there was ANY kind of response to "The Last of Us" having a PSN Pass. Just because EA is killing it's online pass and Sony has said they plan to do away with their pass on the PS4 doesn't mean I can assume ONline pass is out the door with other publishers out there still using it. I'll breathe easier when I see for certain Online Pass is dead so I can dance on it's grave.

As for me being "pissed" that a game is getting pass is not quite accurate. I'd have to say I'm more "dissapointed" that this game is getting a pass. I'll come out and say this just for the sake of saying it. The Last of Us will NEVER get the same ourcry as the Xbox One did. The time for an Online Pass game to get the treatment the Xbox One got has long passed. (yet too bad it didn't sooner or else Online Pass would've never become an issue in the industry). I'm just sad that no one actually said ANYTHING about this game having an Online Pass. I had not heard word one from any reviews or user reviews that this game had PSN Pass. You'd think that would be helpful to know given how some gamers out there didn't even now "The Last of Us" has PSN Pass. I really wasn't expecting an outcry like with the Xbox One but I was at least hoping to hear SOMETHING from soneone about the game having Online Pass. It just makes me wonder why that is. Do reviewers no longer care to put in that "PSA" figuring gamers have become use to it? Do they know something that I don't in regards to Online Pass truely doing a slow, painful death, thus no need to mention it? Or have people decided that Online Pass is something that can be overlooked if the game attached to it is totally awesome? Whatever the case maybe, that's something I would consider being blinded by the issue. All I know is I won't rest easy until I know for certain Online Pass is truely dead when I don't see it used in the gaming industry period.

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