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Super Step's Comments - Page 310

Halo Wars 2 and Duke Nukem 3D

Posted on 07/06/2017 at 01:00 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Good luck with the list. I haven't even touched Horizon again and the DLC I'm wanting to be ready for comes out in August, which is also when Before the Storm releases! I'll probably finish Slaughterhouse Five before anything else. Luckily, it's a short book, so I may even finish tonight.

I've never played any Duke Nukem games, but I want to. I have a vivid memory of my older brother playing the N64 one in our room and it pissing me off I couldn't play it or even watch it (according to him at least) in our room ( I'd just woken up on the bunk bed) on MY N64. I've since gotten over it, of course, but I also remember glimpses of some of the toilet humor I was supposedly too young/immature for. Oh, irony. I also remember seeing codes for it in Nintendo Power.

I know what you mean about those Doom levels. I couldn't tell where I was going in those 90s FPS games like that or Wolfenstein 3D for the life of me. I didn't know Wolfenstein was ever not 3D until recently. Funny how I played that stuff on PC, but wasn't allowed a go at Duke Nukem on N64. I think the N64 was just easier to monitor and my older brother told my parents about the content.

Or I'm mistremembering a vision I was given by Tralfamadores. One of the two.

Crash Bandicoot and Halo Wars 2

Posted on 07/06/2017 at 12:51 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, to be honest I probably play songs a lot more than practice stuff like that, but I will tolerate the boring stuff like finger exercises because of how it helps with playing songs.

With video games like platformers or rythm-action like Elite Beat Agents, I might be repeating the same actions a lot, but it's the adrenaline rush of getting it more and more right and the tension that hook me, not the repetition. 

It's the increasing success part that makes the repetition addictive for me. That means the activity feels less repetitive for me, since I'm enjoying the change in my abilities. 

A game like Halo Wars 2 would actually feel more repetitive to me, because it would just be failure over and over again, since I don't easily succeed in such games.

I think that might have more to do with it than simply game mechanics. If I was good at RTS, I might feel differently and maybe vice versa for you with platformers.

Yooka Failing

Posted on 07/05/2017 at 06:34 PM | Filed Under Blogs

You mean their run on N64? That's more what this was trying to emulate. I personally liked Donkey Kong Country and Killer Instinct on SNES, though. I can understand not liking those.

I think it is a decent game overall, there were just some bugs they didn't work out before shipping that got to me. The newest update to the game specifically mentions fixes to the boss I rage quit on (Rampo), so I feel vindicated. lol

Moana to me was pretty typical as far as Disney story structure and characters, but the animation is stunning. 

We're not, but I might stay where I am and just help him move in October. It's an odd situation I don't feel like getting into, but everyone is still friends as of now. lol

I'm glad you mentioned the gym, cause I need to go today, myself.

Life is Strange has a Hidden Agenda

Posted on 07/05/2017 at 06:28 PM | Filed Under Blogs

You mean the global warming message? It's more of a backdrop, really, but you can tell the creators believe in it. It's not heavy-handed though; in the game's narrative, it's just another "wtf?" thing that happens when she gets her powers. 

Yeah, why wouldn't Sony let me pay for stuff I've enjoyed on PS+ from their store, rather than me buying physical copies elsewhere? I guess it's to keep people like you on PS+, but I'd honestly just keep PS+ and buy the games anyway, so ...

It's tablature, and works basically like Guitar Hero, but maybe there's an option to switch to notes? I bought it so I could make sure I was able to play songs in time, but the ones I already know how to play in real life that have different tabs than what I'm used to can be frustrating. And the game's detection is really good/sensitive, but it isn't perfect, and some of my failures are a result of not reading the screen correctly, rather than anything to do with my guitar prowess. 

Yeah, but we tend to get out around 2 or 2:30 p.m. if it's a Home Depot. We're only actually working 5:30 a.m. to that time; we have to travel to the site via a van that meets about an hour or 45 minutes earlier. So the van driver has to work all that time, but passengers can do whatever for that 45 minutes to an hour. 

I did a voluntary Eyemart warehouse inventory, and we were there from 7 a.m. (left 5:55 a.m. due to Dallas traffic) and din't get out until 6 p.m. or later though. I thought it was gonna be like 4 hours, but nope. I'm not complaining about the hours though, especially since we start at $12/hour now. We even have this week off, since stores are doing their 4th of July sales. We're doing some JC Pennys in Missori and Oklahoma next week and a coworker is going to show me some Game of Thrones and record my reactions. 

My only issue when we're not doing Home Depots (our district's bread and butter) is the managers for these "support stores" want to question every thing I do like I'm some sort of rebellious teen. Sometimes, I want to whip out my faculty card and say, "you treat me with respect, dammit!" but I know that would only make things so much worse. lol

Crash Bandicoot and Halo Wars 2

Posted on 07/05/2017 at 02:32 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I think I'd like Crash. I love doing mindless bullshit over and over until I'm finally good at it. It's my favorite thing about playing guitar!

I have started to enjoy games that are much less intense physically and more about emotional investment or puzzles though. I think my need to relax as an adult has made me soft in some ways.

I had some ice cream as well. We ate at Red Lobster after seeing guardians 2. No fireworks for me aside from a distant glimpse on the highway and some noises outside my Windows though. I kinda wish we'd have gone to see some. Oh well.

Quick Hits: Fireworks Eve!

Posted on 07/03/2017 at 09:45 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Well, I just hit the wrong key and everything I was writing disappeared, so I feel your airline pain in a way. lol Happy 4th and/or Fireworks Eve, depending when you read this! I should have wished mothman a Happy Canada Day. 

Suicide Squad was a decent rental for me, but that's partly cause it was 50 cents to rent on PS+. Funny you mention the Ghostbusters, since Nostalgia Critic  pointed out in its review the beams at the end of each movie (and Independence Day) are awfully similar. lol Have you seen Wonder Woman? Now that's DC getting it right! It reminded me of Captain America: The First Avenger, but it was still very much a DC film. 

I'm glad you liked House of Cards, but as someone who roots against the Underwoods, it's honestly getting a bit tiresome for me. I think I laughed for the wrong reasons as some of this stuff, like pushing down the stairs. That came across as they're running out of ideas. I liked season 5 of Orange is the New Black a lot better, and I started out thinking the opposite when these series first released. I'm just hoping season 6 is better. Glad you liked 5 though. I didn't hate it, I just think they're starting to recycle too many plots and I want at least one of them to resolve. lol

European countrysides are probably a bigger appeal to me than the cars in Gran Turismo and Forza trailers. 

It's funny you say 4:44 is a good but not great rap album, cause that's honestly how I feel about Hydrograd as a rock album, if I'm being honest, even though I really like it and have been finding excuses to drive my car around more just to listen to the CD. It was recorded live-in-studio, so it comes alive a lot better without the compression of mp3s, streaming, and YouTube. It's also funny 4:44 is a second too long, since I got annoyed with "Song #3" being track number 5 on the actual album. Dammit, Stone Sour! lol

I was actually using YouTube Music on my phone for a bit to stream, since YouTube Red was free until August. I put Spotify on instead, but I honestly might switch back. If I had Amazon Prime, I'd try their streaming. 

Nice pictures as always, and if I'm ever in Hawaii, I'll have to remember those places! Food is my #1 destination when travelling! 

I'm still just glad I never saw a spinner in an SFASU classroom I was teaching in. I'm hoping the fad is dead. 

Funny you got the #1, cause I just had that Saturday at like 10:30p.m. I'm supposed to be on an anti-reflux diet with no tomatoes or onions, but I just ordered everything animal style, got my root beer, and took the tomato off my burger; I hate tomatoes on their own, but I do like them on burgers, so it made me sad. Not much I could do about the onions in the animal sauce though. Don't recall any being on the burger. Took pickles off, because I like those alone, but not on burgers. I'm odd that way. 

Good Steam haul. I have Saints Row IV and Portal 2 I think, but haven't played much of the latter and only got past the training level or so of the former. Transistor was one of the first PS+ freebies I ever got on PS4, if not the first along with Apotheon. I always try to spend only as much as one new game with these sales. Mass Effect: Andromeda released on my birthday this year, but I bought Ratchet & Clank, Nathan Drake Collection, and Until Dawn instead. A few months later and I've finally gotten Andromeda from GameFly (ok so far) and Until Dawn  is free on PS+ this month and I never put my physical copy in (I got pretty far when I rented it some time last year or even two years ago though). Oh well. I still feel I made the right choice.

Did they have any Hawaiian pop on Moana. I watched that with family when it released

I like "Super Bass" and begrudgingly admit to liking "Anaconda" by Niki Minaj, but yeah, her raps are ... like, I like the song "Side to Side" by Ariana Grande, but the best Niki Minaj comes up with is dick bycicle? Really? I feel bad that Minaj has been suicidal/struggled with depression, but I can't say I'm a fan of hers overall. 

I should get some Alicia Keys. ALways liked "Falling" and "Empire State of Mind."

Never heard of Fenix, TX, but guessing they are pop punk if opening for Blink? I like John Legend fine, but I don't know enough of his music to buy an album. 

I'm surprised New Found Glory is still going. I own Sticks and Stones and their self-titled. Oh, junior high ...

Oooohhhh Mighty Might Bosstones. Nice! I'd love a live album from them. Maybe Dropkick Murphys as well. 

I don't know of much of anything from Rick Ross or The Game, but I was looking at an A Tribe Called Quest album in the bargain bin at Best Buy Friday when I picked up Hydrograd. I also saw some Johnny Cash, Earth, Wind & FIre, and Lady Gaga I wanted, but instead ... well, you'll have to read my blog. Tongue Out lol

That Warriors logo is super 90s and reminds me of NBA Jam. lol 

I need a hard drive for PS4, now that they allow for external storage. 

I'll listen to the song later. Think I annoyed my parents by retyping this while we're watching Rogue One  from Red Box. Happy Independence Day!

Hydrograd & The Perot Museum; 4:44?

Posted on 07/03/2017 at 06:46 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I can understand where you're coming from. I think the band itself has matured though. Honestly, I didn't know they existed until Volume 3 released with the "Duality" single, so I got into them when they started mixing things up a bit. I appreciate the raw power of Slipknot and Iowa though. I can certainly see where they get associated with dumb, teenage angst, but maybe I'm not fully past it myself. Lol 

Oh, I didn't take it as a personal insult. I have no problem with KISS or any love for them. I just think Gene Simmons is a blowhard who needs to stop trying to copyright every day phrases and symbols. I get annoyed that American courts allow for that sort of thing. I just understand the association of teens and late 90s stuff like Slipknot and Korn than I do the association with kids. I couldn't stand anything that heavy (not that either is The Black Dahlia Murder or anywhere near) as an under-10. Lol It was either pop or pop rock for me at that age.

I don't hate Nickelback the way the Internet does, nor do I love bacon as much as the Internet does. But Chad Kroeger could have compared their chart success and had a point, as much as I hate to admit it. Musical diversity is not a fight you start with Corey Taylor though. He's all over the map when it comes to rock and occassionally rap. I get a kick out of playing "Through Glass" and "AOV" side-by-side for people and explaining it's the same guy. 

Image hosting problems

Posted on 07/03/2017 at 05:08 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Wooooow. Lol I just store everything on Facebook or Google Drive. $400 a year for photo storage?!!!!!

They ... They know PS+ membership is $50/year and involves like 5 times the value and data amount, right?

Hydrograd & The Perot Museum; 4:44?

Posted on 07/03/2017 at 04:59 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I love Slipknot and am not sure what you mean by "kiddie" metal. Certainly simpler song structures than other metal, and the percussive focus is not for everyone, but kiddy? Errrrrrmmm... Don't know if I'd agree when I have kids. Lol

Stone Sour's hits have usually been either ballads like "Bother" (Spider-Man 2002 soundtrack), "Tired" (House of Gold and Bones, either Part I or II), "Through Glass" (Come What (Ever) May) or hard rock tracks like "Gone Sovereign/Absolute Zero" (House of Gold and Bones Part I). Heaviest single they have is "Get Inside," I think.

You've probably hard either "Through Glass" or "Bother" without realizing who it was. Maybe not.

It's odd to me how much more radio friendly Stone Sour can be, yet Slipknot is the better seller by miles, perhaps because it stands out more than Stone Sour's moRe straightforward rock sound

NWP Spoils The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Posted on 07/03/2017 at 02:23 AM | Filed Under Feature

Honestly, it's funny you mention horizon, cause I kind of resented how BotW's release meant Horizon seemed overshadowed by it in gaming news. 

I still need to play through Horizon, though ...

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