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Super Step's Comments - Page 318

TOP 5 Picks of E3 2017

Posted on 06/18/2017 at 08:37 AM | Filed Under Blogs

As someone who never played SotC, but constantly heard it being lauded as an art game around its release, I'm super excited for that one especially.

Batman, Minecraft, Wolfenstein and Blue Dragon

Posted on 06/18/2017 at 08:31 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I just finished Wolfenstein: The New Order and, to be honest, it's not really my thing. Had to put it on very easy near the end and even then got surprise killed a handful of times. I could never find the right difficulty balance and the endless enemy waves just got tedious after a while. I also got annoyed by seeing that Pyramid Head suit in the sequel trailer, but only ever seeing the older woman wear it in this game. I never was good at 90s FPS, and I'd just breezed through Titanfall 2 before it, so there is a strong possibility the game was just not made for me.

I have wanted to check out that Caped Crusaders movie though, ever since laughing uproariously at both the 60s Batman movie as well as LEGO Batman. I like the dark and edgy Nolan Batman as well as campy Batman, but I don't like the trying-so-hard-to-be-edgy-it's-campy Snyder ... Crazy Steve (Linkara reference).

Blue Dragon reminds me of the EGM days, when I was so little I didn't realize getting it at supermarket every month was more expensive than subscribing ... And then regretted subscribing cause it usually came to the damn store earlier, and it's not like $5 a month was killing me.

Sorry to be so negative about Wolfenstein; it was a cool trailer, I just don't think I'll like the game.

Sony Stays the Course

Posted on 06/17/2017 at 10:41 AM | Filed Under News

I didn't know that The Last Night had existed in some form since 2014, nor that its creator somehow couldn't resist Twitter's vortex, until I Googled "The Last Night controversy" based on your comment.

I'm still intrigued by the game, but their denial the game looks like Blade Runner is odd ...

Special: E3 2017: The Hottest Takes

Posted on 06/17/2017 at 12:37 AM | Filed Under Feature

I honestly am left wanted a 3DS more than anything else based on Nintendo's presser. I really want Super Mario Odyssey though. That T-Rex ... I'd be more excited for Metroid Prime 4 if I didn't know how to create title cards using PhotoShop and InDesign, since that's all they had to do for that announcement ..

I thought BG&E2 trailer LOOKED amazing ... I just hated the dialogue. 

Shadow of the Colossus was the biggest surprise of E3 for me as well. As someone who's never played it and kept hearing it as THE game brought up in "games are art" discussions in its time, I am actually rather stoked. Otherwise, Sony did exactly what it needed to do to get me excited: just show more gameplay from previously announced exclusives to get me more hyped. 

People keep comparing Spider-Man to the Arkham titles, but I'm glad Angelo brought up that Arkham borrowed the "Spider sense" mechanic, since combat looked not much different than older Spider-Man titles to me. I'm just excited that the web mechanics during the copter chase seem to mimic Spider-Man 2's. Is there a reason people aren't as excited about that as I am? He was clearly having to attach his webs to buildings while swinging and I can't wait!

I feel like I missed some announcements, since the pressers apparently did not have all of them. I was on YouTube's (BULLSHIT) trailer battle for E3 and noticed WAY more Squeenix than was present in most show rundowns online. 

One game I found really interesting I would not have heard about without E3 Trailer Battle was Hidden Agenda:

As someone who kept telling friends Until Dawn would be a perfect party game, this was awesome to me. I honestly think this was my A Way Out from the show, since I'd be more likely to break this out during a gathering than find a person to spend an enttire narrative-driven game with. 

E3 2017 Reactions: Nintendo

Posted on 06/15/2017 at 09:53 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Super Mario Odyssey was by far the most ineresting thing they showed for me. Metroid Prime 4 announcement is nice I guess, but that's literally all it is. I could have created my own title card for it and had the exact same reaction, since it would have been just as much of a commitment to actually complete that game.

Zelda and Mario do have me wanting a Switch though, I admit. 

Cary's E3 2017 Notes

Posted on 06/15/2017 at 07:03 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I mean ... I didn't forget about the original, nor did I try to. But the fact the remake is happening is something I'm not sure my brain can accept. lol 

Mario's first ever lyrical song IS AMAZING!!!

Posted on 06/15/2017 at 06:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm just excited to play as the T-Rex. Apparently, they created a Mario 64 mod for that hat. 

Cary's E3 2017 Notes

Posted on 06/15/2017 at 05:07 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I was honestly more interested in Sony once again this year, but Odyssey and Metroid II: Reskinned look cool. I'll be hyped for Prime 4 when I see more than a title card and I also want Pokemon Snap 2, or maybe an AR version.

I didn't know about Sonic Force, but I liked the idea behind generations.

I forgot about Bubsy...

E3 2017 Reactions: Sony

Posted on 06/15/2017 at 12:25 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Thank U for reminding me to dl demo

E3 2017 Reactions: Sony

Posted on 06/14/2017 at 09:14 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I was happy to see the SM2 mechanics show up in that Spiderman helicopter sequence and I'm just generally excited for all the Sony exclusives.

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