Posted on 08/10/2012 at 10:45 AM
| Filed Under Feature
Quick DQ IX stuff.
I don't think the kids are ready for a JRPG that's this involved just yet, so this project isn't something that's going to happen, say, next week, but I still think it could happen. I'm going to have to try and introduce them to some entry level JRPG stuff. Unfortunatly, they aren't into the Pokemon games as that would have been a great launching point, but I still think I can show them some things that get them acquainted with the concept. I still remember my childhood perspective of my first JRPG, which was the original Final Fantasy, and how I thought it looked completely lame to just pick things from a menu while there was a literal wall between your characters and the enemies. We'll see though.
For now, my wife has surprised me with how into this game she is. I get emails from her all the time about it. It's striking how much of it she's able to figure out on her own, and what she needs help with. Concepts are clear as day, like developing multiple classes to use as the situation demands it, but mechanics are what she questions the most, like viewing and sorting items in the bag, using the Alchemy pot. She actually didn't know she could cast spells on the overworld map or change equipment in combat until I showed her how. I thought I'd get her into JRPGs with something like Lunar, seeing as how it's got that cute, almost Disney a la Japan vibe going on, but this is it. It's really fascinating.
This also kind of pounds a nail into the "casual gamer" argument's face. My wife is what many would consider to be a casual gamer. She's only really enjoyed Mario and "sim" games like Sim City 2000 until this point, along with the much reviled "facebook ville" games. I've told people that these games provide a bridge to more "hardcore" titles, like DQ, what with their leveling mechanics and focus on developing something (like a character, a farm, or a town,) but people don't buy it. Well, here's the proof suckers. She's stayed up until 3 AM completely obsessed with DQ IX and is far ahead of me in the game. She came to the title with a crystal clear understanding of leveling, grinding, experience points, and some aspects of managing statistics and is now building on this knowledge base with a hardcore title. I don't think this is the end of it either.
Want more proof? I just installed Age of Empires on her PC, and she's been toying around with that as well. Yep, it works.