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gigantor21's Comments - Page 33

Baseless, Unfounded Metacritic Projections For 2013

Posted on 08/03/2013 at 05:17 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Forgive me. As pennance, I'll be sure to only cover mobile and browser games from now on, since consoles are doomed to die anyway.

Nintendo's Q1 Numbers - Poor, Poor WiiU

Posted on 08/01/2013 at 11:07 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Can't really blame you at this point. I never thought I'd see sales this bad on a modern day console.

Nintendo's Q1 Numbers - Poor, Poor WiiU

Posted on 07/31/2013 at 09:51 PM | Filed Under Blogs

A price cut simply HAS to happen at this point. No way in hell will the WiiU look like a good value outside of the Nintendo fandom as long as the Premium model is just $50 less than the PS4. Not when that's by far the better selling version.

I'm hoping that their silence on a potential price cut is just being done to not play their hand too early.

Nintendo's Q1 Numbers - Poor, Poor WiiU

Posted on 07/31/2013 at 09:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I really don't get why they gave it that name AND made the aesthetics so similar. If they had just called it "Wii 2" or something else entirely, that alone may have helped from a marketing standpoint at least.

Nintendo's Q1 Numbers - Poor, Poor WiiU

Posted on 07/31/2013 at 09:46 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I know that feeling all too well. It was exactly the same for me with the PS3, which I basically used as a PS2 box with Blu-ray and an HDMI port until Devil May Cry 4 and Bioshock came out. Indeed, you hear a lot of the same excuses people made for it back then (they just need time to figure out the architecture! Wait until X game comes out! etc.). Granted it never just sold 10k outside the US and Japan over 3 months, but still.

One key advantage the PS3 did have, though, is that people knew it was a new console (for better or worse) and it was at least a clean enough break from the PS2 to feel next-gen from the start. I can only imagine how badly it would've sold if people though it was just a PS2 add-on or something.

That the Vita may well outstrip the WiiU in both Europe and Japan in the same time period is something I NEVER would've imagined. I have a Vita and think it's pretty much doomed to niche status at this point. It'll take a miracle to turn things around.

Nintendo's Q1 Numbers - Poor, Poor WiiU

Posted on 07/31/2013 at 09:22 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I would hope so. But this is far more ground they need to make up for than with, say, the 3DS, which never sold this badly and was clearly just held back by it's high price point. Even if sales shoot up in a big way they can still end up falling short. Especially when Nintendo still thinks they can have 12 million units sold by next March, which is

Nintendo's Q1 Numbers - Poor, Poor WiiU

Posted on 07/31/2013 at 09:20 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I think that they're going to have to start purging management at the top, in all of the major regions.

The bosses are simply too sclerotic and creaky in their thinking to be trusted with the future of the brand anymore. The Wii's success only exacerbated the issue by convincing them they could keep relying on a crazy new hook to sell hardware. Instead, there are still people who don't know the WiiU is more than the Gamepad and think it's a Wii add-on.

Nintendo's Q1 Numbers - Poor, Poor WiiU

Posted on 07/31/2013 at 09:16 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The main games I want for it are Bayonetta and Smash, and I'm not paying $300 just to play those. Not when nothing else in the exclusive line-up intrigues me.

Nintendo's Q1 Numbers - Poor, Poor WiiU

Posted on 07/31/2013 at 09:15 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I have zero faith in management at this point, given how they've handled the system's design and it's marketing before and after launch. I just don't get the sense that they have a clue what they're doing.

It feels like the WiiU will have to do well in spite of them. Especially after seeing these numbers.

Bioshock: Infinite DLC Announced! No fair, guys. No fair

Posted on 07/30/2013 at 02:56 PM | Filed Under Blogs

SO excited for this. Can't wait for the fall. :)

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