Indeed it was a heady victory, yet after seeing the reveal of the Xbox One makes it feel like a hollow one now.
Indeed it was a heady victory, yet after seeing the reveal of the Xbox One makes it feel like a hollow one now.
Just realized you were in the relative area where the events happened. Just glad your alright.
depending when I finally get ahold of the first mass effect game (and like it) along with confirmation that indeed EA will cancel past Online Pass enabled games like Mass Effect 2 & 3, then yes. I would give the series a fair shake. Though no promises, for some odd reason I didn't become much of a fan of bioware games despite me owning their titles on the original Xbox.
now if EA was to release an actual COMPLETE trilogy with all the offered DLC online pass free.....
I'm mostly sad that the game changed from the possible survival horror FPS to the game that XCOM fans say is more faithful to the XCOM roots in the squad combat. I'm sure XCOM fans are okay with it, but since I have yet to play XCOM the PC game (or the one you mention on sale on steam) I can't say if the changes are for the better myself. I love me some survival horror FPS.
it's gamers like me that push for the removal of such things so that gamers like you can one day play current gen games without the worry of Online Pass. We'll just have to wait and see what ideas EA has up their sleeves. And when we find out I'll be sure to be there to rip it apart if its nonconsumer friendly.
sorry wont be joining it anytime soon. I already have my hands full as it is with blog ideas and mirror blogs to three diffrent sites. And that's not including comment on blogs and comments made to those various sites.
but it makes me wish some website would incorprate those concepts from that have a link feature that tracks the games you pay on XBL and PSN. It won't work that well with retro consoles but it would help in me not keeping track of it so often like blog posts and comments.
It's my not too kind phrasing by that British twat called Shakespeare. Not only was I forced to read that crap but to act out key moments in his plays in my brit lit class. To this day I care not for Shakes. Oddly I love reading but have no place for him in my library.
For now anyway. would the DLC and microtransactions be the reason why EA still has a long way to go? I've focused so much on ONline pass I fear I have blinded myself to their other tatcis besides their usual corporate actions to their developers.
So not even a confidencal source? Your probably right, one shouldn't betray a friends trust even if it's to get the scoop. Indeed the Sim City fiasco has taught EA the error of their ways. sadly it had to take the falling apart of a classic game to make them see the light.
sadly this is something that is needed with gamers these days, along with the complex words they now weave. I've run into gamers where they don't know where to go or what to do. and when they try to figure it out on their own they do everything EXPECT what is suppose to be done in the game.
It's even needed for gamers who are just now trying out any given game in general. My wife who was a big gamer during her time can't even figure out where the said "switch is" even when it's right there in the room.
It's not because she doesn't know what a switch looks like or she can't figure it out on her own. It's just the worlds are so much we almost suffer from stimulus overload. and if she ends up spending too much time trying to figure something out it's not fun anymore.
As much as I don't are for hand holding I fear it's here to stay if only to ensure games can reach a broader demographic is they wish to remain relevant.