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Jon Lewis's Comments - Page 34

The Retro Renaissance: (Re) Teaching Modern Games

Posted on 02/07/2012 at 07:00 PM | Filed Under Blogs

You make some great points here. Great read. Some developers definitely need to take notice, especially when it comes to staying the course. The whole tower defense thing in Assassins Creed is a huge turn off for me. I want to play Assassins Creed, not a TD sim.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Director Talks About the Controversial Ending

Posted on 02/06/2012 at 10:00 PM | Filed Under News

Yeah, it doesnt seem that Square understands that DLC is supposed to be an add on, that serves to bring players back and provide something satisfying that can ultimately stand on its own. Games like Mass Effect i think fully grasp that concept, where the game itself is full and complete and the DLC's add extra stories that arnt necessary (save for Arrival) yet they are enjoyable. Sacraficing the story's cannonical ending because they want to add dlc is pretty dumb if you ask me.

Mass Effect 3 Achievements Revealed

Posted on 02/06/2012 at 09:04 PM | Filed Under News

Im gonna play through the multiplayer content on Gold, but I will challenge myself to play on Insanity again. It was tough, but I'm gonna try.

New Jak & Daxter Shelved in Favor of The Last of Us

Posted on 02/06/2012 at 05:54 PM | Filed Under News

From what I read, and the small video that I saw, it seems like they were trying to hard to intergrade some of what they have learned with the Uncharted series into Jak. Rather than embracing their Jak roots, they tried to hard to make Jak the cinematic experience that Uncharted was and lost the essence of the series. Honestly, id rather them go with the new IP, and return to Jak when they have a better idea on how to keep it feeling like Jak. Btw, cant wait to pick up the Jak Trilogy. Never got to finish any of them but i loved playing them at friends houses.

Episode 52: Bravely Agito Heroes Versus 358/2 Days Plus Alpha

Posted on 02/06/2012 at 03:40 PM | Filed Under Feature

Good list. ToV is definitely on my list as well, probably my number one from the current gen, however what held the game together for me was the combat. In retrospect, the Story was pretty lacking compared to other Tales games, but Vesperia was by far my favorite gameplay wise. As for my top 3 of the current gen...

Tales of Vesperia, Radiant Historia (which kinda counts even tho DS is starting its phase out) and Zelda: Skyward Sword.

This is in no particular order, but Tales is in there because the gameplay pulled me in for near 300 hours and 5 playthroughs. Radiant Historia is perhaps one of the most interesting JRPG's ive ever played. It really great story, soundtrack and twist on gameplay. Skyward Sword proved a great balance of Modern and Old school Zelda qualities, while providing the best use of motion control's yet and one of the best endings in a Zelda game. There are definitely more, like Eternal Sonata, Mario 3D Land, the Capcom Fighting games like SF4 and Marvel but at the moment, those are my favorites.

Episode 52: Bravely Agito Heroes Versus 358/2 Days Plus Alpha

Posted on 02/05/2012 at 12:44 AM | Filed Under Feature

Haha, i know exactly what you mean. When they stereotype, they exaggerate it to the max. I dont exactly remember the first trailer (besides the fact that it looked a lot scarier than the final product) but perhaps it was easy to see the offense in it. 

Episode 52: Bravely Agito Heroes Versus 358/2 Days Plus Alpha

Posted on 02/03/2012 at 11:32 PM | Filed Under Feature

I just think some people are too sensitive. Rasism is definitely a sensitive topic, especially to "black" americans cuz im not gonna lie, sometimes we (not me, but speaking generally) find reasons to turn things into something that seems racist. In this case i feel like its a similar case, but as i said before, I enjoyed RE5 just as much as anyone else. Guess it depends on perspective.

Episode 52: Bravely Agito Heroes Versus 358/2 Days Plus Alpha

Posted on 02/03/2012 at 01:57 PM | Filed Under Feature

Great cast so far guys, but i gotta make a small point here; as far as racism in RE5, i really dont think its as bad as people say. As a "black" person, i played through RE5 multiple times and didnt think much of it. I never saw it as a personal offence, its simply just location. I wouldnt not buy RE5 just because it seems rasist, but idk, thats just my 2 cents

UPDATE: Atlus Asks Fans if They Want Another Run of Radiant Historia

Posted on 02/03/2012 at 10:43 AM | Filed Under News

I really hope they do. Radiant Historia is one of my favorite DS games and one of the most interesting JRPG's that ive played this console generation, yet it was near impossible for me to find. If they release it again, id pick it up for sure.

SoulCalibur V Review

Posted on 02/01/2012 at 06:04 PM | Filed Under Review

Good review. I've been hearing a lot of good things about this game from the FGC. The game seems to capitolize on the stumbles of SCV, though it probably still has a ways to go. Looking forward to trying it out.

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