I may actually play through the multiplayer content on Gold for that final achievement, as playing Mass Effect 2 on Insanity was a hair-pulling experience that I would not care to relive.
Mass Effect 3 Achievements Revealed
Multiplayer isn't a requirement to get all 1000 points.

Mass Effect 3 is one of the most highly anticipated games of 2012, but it hasn’t been without its share of controversy or concern amongst fans. There’s the confusing ability to play the game in three different modes that range from all action to all story. There’s been the uproar over the multiplayer DLC slated to be packaged with the upcoming release of action figures, and of course there’s been the concern over the inclusion of multiplayer in general. While the multiplayer in Mass Effect 3 can impact your progression in the single player game, it’s not mandatory, and the achievements for the game reflect that.
The full achievements list for the game was revealed on the Xbox 360 Achievements website, but the list will most likely be identical to the PS3 trophies. While the achievements follow the normal progression of Mass Effect achievements such as playing through the game on Insanity difficulty or romancing a party member, a few of them have multiple ways of unlocking. “Almost There” for example can be attained by reaching level 15 in multiplayer or level 50 in single player. “Peak Condition” is for max level characters: 20 in multiplayer or 60 in single. In this way, it’s possible to get some help with some tougher achievements (“Unwavering” is gained for finishing all multiplayer maps on Gold or all single player levels on Insanity), but if you want to play things like Han (you know, solo) you can still nab all the points on your own. It should also be noted that the level cap for Mass Effect 3 is the same as it was in the first game, lending credence to the message that this game should feature more of the RPG mechanics that were removed in the second game.
The Mass Effect 3 demo hits on Valentine’s Day, with the multiplayer component getting unlocked a couple days later. Expect a full video preview of this nifty new feature on PixlBit soon, as well as an all Mass Effect edition of the PixlTalk podcast on March 1.