How is Project X Zone? I heard it's batshit insane, but is it worth playing?
How is Project X Zone? I heard it's batshit insane, but is it worth playing?
This may sound like Heresy, but I don't like mario kart... especially seeing as how CTR is infinitely better. I'll definitely look into the rest though! Last Mario game I played was Sunshine...
Never even heard of shadow wars, but it sounds like my cup of tea!
...I knew yours would be the first comment lol. I was mainly thinking of buying the system for X and Y, Fire Emblem, and Shin Megami Tensei IV. What Zelda games are out for 3DS? Last Zelda game I played was TP.
Fair enough. Idk... I think the pokemon and the battle system were what most deterred me. I freakin loved the art style for the backgrounds though!
Idk. I don't really feel that bond even on a handheld. I prefer to game on a pc when I can anyway, just because it's convenient for me and I don't need to buy other shit. Thinking of buying a 3ds though.
Yeah. Platinum is pretty awesome. One and 3 are my favourite gens. Haven't really looked too much into the others.
Fair enough. Also, idk why, but I just like the black and white feel of the original red. It's just charming for some reason... I can play red for hours, but fire red just doesn't interest me as much. I think nostalgia has a lot to do with it.
3DS would be better... and yeah lol.
Mirror B is awesome. But yeah, if you could catch more than Shadow pokemon (I know you can, but barely) the game would be lamazing. As it stands... the battles are nice. That's all.