Lol yep. Part of me wants Anita to make a game so she can actually make a statement and try to say something...
Lol yep. Part of me wants Anita to make a game so she can actually make a statement and try to say something...
Yeah, but for a first game? I think it's a step. Even just pulling in new audiences is a plus. Who cares if it's mindless fun, it could potentially bring a whole new market. And if it's done intelligently, it could do even better.
You've sold me. That shall be my next show :)
Awesome. That all sounds really cool, but waht is engaging? Is it the plot? Is it the characters? Or is it both? I mean I feel like there always has to be momentum in a show for me to be interested. Whether it's characters developing, or whether it's plot moving on. What is it that hooks people to the show,
May I ask why you like it? A few people are trying to get me to watch it but they haven't sold it to me yet.
This is kind of great. Most parents are fucking stupid enough without all these numbers to confuse them. They're just like "I want a fucking box that means I don't have to be a parent. Anyone got a box that takes responsibility and accountability out of my hands? I mean I know I should be teaching little jimmy life skills, but the truth is I just want the little fucker to shut up and stop exisiting"
I put it far over the simpsons, but I've watched the simpsons so much I can't do it anymore. It's number one and I'd say Game of Thrones is second, and then maybe Parks and Rec?
Lol I'm trying to get my nan addicted to it. She loves Game of Thrones and Walking Dead, so I think she'd love this.
Damn Straight! And fair enough. I actually understand that lol.