Thank you. Well it really isn't that expensive now that Game Stop has buy 2 get 3 free on the figures. The thing is finding the 3 free, lol.
Thank you. Well it really isn't that expensive now that Game Stop has buy 2 get 3 free on the figures. The thing is finding the 3 free, lol.
Really good. They made it like a stew, with lots of spices and veg.
I got Pop-fizz from TJ Maxx for .97 cents.
Awesome sauce!
It's a Trap! Lol, Nah, it is fun going on the hunt.
I could not agree more. I think it is sad that most retail stores are pulling support for the Vita, which I am not sure if that is Sony's dicision or not. Luckily Game Stop still carries them, with new games coming out all the time. I preoredered Assaisans Creed Chronicles because it looks like it will be better on the handheld.
I love my Vita. I think it is a great hand-held system.
I can not find this game in the wild. One day though I love S.M.B games.
Lol! Classic! That is why I like coming here.