Posted on 02/28/2018 at 02:27 PM
| Filed Under Blogs
I met with the company who made Night in the Woods before it was to come out, and after that I lost interest in it. Didn't seem like a "Cary" game to me.
I have Gravity Rush 2, but never beat it. Sorry Gravity Rush Lady!
You already know what I like about Yakuza 0.
I thought LEGO City Undercover was one of the better LEGO games out there. I'm surrpised they made references to The Shawshank Redemption and Starsky and Hutch!
PaRappa is more fun to watch than to play.
I liked Yooka-Laylee, but it had some problems. I never beat the last boss because I got tired of wrestling with the camera. That was more challenging than fighting the boss.
I could never get into the Crash games for some reason.
My problem with Sonic Mania is that it only lets you save before each world, not before each act. I know older Sonic games were like this, but limiting how you save is one retro feature that needs to go away.
I liked Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite for trying to be different and more like the Marvel movies, but I miss characters like She-Hulk, Tron Bonne, and the Servebot.
When you beat RIME, make sure to have a tissue handy.
Do you think I'd like Tekken 7?