C'mon Dino Crisis,Lunar, & Onimusha! Show me love! Making me choose between Streets Of Rage and Legacy Of Kain, though? That's just harsh. I love em equally!
C'mon Dino Crisis,Lunar, & Onimusha! Show me love! Making me choose between Streets Of Rage and Legacy Of Kain, though? That's just harsh. I love em equally!
Noticed PMs are separated into their own bracket in the messages section. It's been very helpful. Thanks,Nick!
Ah punk, always sticking it to the establishment. Rock on brothers and sisters,rock on!
FF X to me was one of the better games in the series. Of course it had the distinction of "blowing me away" on account it was one of the first games I played on the PS2. lol.
Woah,really? I didn't know there was a Sonic game made for the master-system. To top it off,it looks stunning for an 8 bit game!
It's tough. It's also a bit of a luck game. Aka, sometimes you get a really sweet power up and sometimes you don't get anything at all!
I kinda wish we could actually have passwords for each floor at the very least.
Still, pretty neat little title!
It's probably just a mistake I didn't erase that well,Adam. Luckily it should be remedied in the final copy. lol.
As for porn, I don't collect it (I'd be too embarassed to walk into a porn store) but I'd be lying if I said I didn't visit sites like xhamster once in awhile.
Not wanting to oppress women or anything, I'm just single and sometimes "the urge" hits me,y'know?
This is a wonderful game! Between Rogue Galaxy and Star Ocean Last Hope I prefer the former. It's one of the best sci-fi Jrpgs of all time in my opinion.
Thanks for the wishes of a good week! I have a deviant art profile too but it's in serious need of a purging as well as an update. Multi-tasking isn't my strong suite!
It's snowing here. lol. I love snow but it's a tad late for it. Spring will be welcomed when it actually arrives.
As for "bias" we all are to a degree. It's not really wrong unless you take it to the point of blind fanaticism.
When it comes to the battle of the sexes, I am indeed the middle guy. The radicals on both sides do nothing but confuse me and frustrate me.
Society has also made me kind of ashamed of my own sexuality. Never thought it would happen yet all the nasty puritan propaganda began collecting on my mental hard drive until I cracked ever so slightly under the pressure.