Yeah I listen to a tonne of podcasts about gaming. It is weird.
Yeah I listen to a tonne of podcasts about gaming. It is weird.
Yeah. When I die I want it to be a monty python reference.
Never been a fan of GI. They tend to give exclusives and huge games really high scores, like even more ridiculous than IGN. Skyrim may be amazing but it is far too buggy to deserve a 10. And Uncharted 3 DEFINITELY doesn't deserve a 10. Btw, this is when I stopped reading them.
I tend to stick with Rockpapershotgun, PC Gamer, and occasionally gamespot.
Yeah man. The game looks like it was designed with consoles in mind, so It could work well!
I see the Opeth atmosphere too! Thanks man!
It's ok. I have a converter thing that you plug a lead into that plugs into your computer's input. They're pretty cheap too.
I don't want them to be realistic, but I want the game to have it's own sense of realism and adhere to that.
Depends. If it's all guitar track like the mass effect one, I record. The Bloody Tears one I recorded all the guitar parts except the guitar solo because I kept fucking up the timing.
I use a program called guitar pro 6. You can either notate the songs and it will play it for you or you can record directly. And thanks!
It's simulated through guitar pro 6. If I used my acoustic guitar it would sound more metalic lol.
And thanks man! Glad you liked it!