Oh gawd,Skyrim! You're a dead man! Some who play Skyrim long enough even become skeleton liches!
Oh gawd,Skyrim! You're a dead man! Some who play Skyrim long enough even become skeleton liches!
Makes me think of movie titles like "Sleepless in Seattle". lol. Minus the Seattle part. I'm in Asheville,NC. lol.
Well, ain't that furry critter just adorable. lol.
Bob really did "cross that line". I doubt I was his first "victim" so to speak. It seems as if he wants to style himself as "The Howard Stern" of gamers. (Aka,troll other gamers and generate the controversy just to get more traffic.)
That's kind of why I have mixed feelings about joining Retronauts when it becomes its' own site. Jeremy, Marty, and co. seem really nice for the most part but I rather not put up with Mackey's shenanigans. To each their own!
Digimon was great but back in the day I was more knowledgable with Pokemon. lol. It probably was "Wolfmon" "Fenirmon" "Ferialmon" or something along those lines,Joe. Call it "my hunch"!
Fatal frame also worked because of those "random harmless ghosts" who simply moved out of the corner of your eye. lol. Quite a few of those instances made me jump.
It's too bad the sequel is bust, Pete. Wish I had the means to play the original Epic Mickey but right now that's an impossibility,sadly.
At the very least Anita is keeping her word. That counts for something. However, I think she's treading on ground others have way before her. (While doing a better job to boot) Something about her comes off as naive and narrow-minded to me. (And no, it's not just because she's a "woman". lol.)
I own both. Couldn't stand X-2 at first but it kinda grew on me after awhile! By contrast, I had very few problems with FF X! I admit, the HD revamp makes Tidus and co.'s adventure look much sharper but they're great games even without the visual tweak. (Though the awkward "laughing scene" still makes me come close to vomiting on occasion!)
I haven't had as many problems with weight lately but it's still been hard to kick my caffeine/soda addiction. I'm still chugging away on my Pepsi,sadly. lol.
To compensate for my gluttony of soft drinks, I at least managed to meet my resolution of keeping my apartment cleaner. It might help I'm going through a bit of "gamer burn out".
PS: Had a bout of Insomia yesterday. I always get it before important appointments. Anxiety disorders suck,Joe!