Thanks man. The wedding was awesome!
Thanks man. The wedding was awesome!
Unfortunately, that's incredibly true.
PC. Handles any type of controller with a usb. Cheating I know. 360 has the best feeling controller for me. I love a mouse for shooting things though.
Everything is sorted now, but I couldn't use the site AT ALL! I could only get in through the support page or I received error pages, and I couldn't move off the support page or I received error messages.
I've been watching the series Rock Paper Shotgun has been doing on it, and it seems like it's really well done.
Sounds like the game you want is this:
I haven't played it yet, but I'm looking forward to instailling this mod!
Eh. I'm going to talk to my colleges academic supervisor to see if anything can be done. really worried about this though... Don't want to fail a unit because of something I can't control. If I fuck up, fine, I'll cop it, but this isn't my fault.
I know. I wish I could send her the blogs related to the unit and then point to my blogs on other sites and show that I know how to blog.
I'm frustrated because this assignment is worth 50% of this unit. The online component is worth 15% of the entire unit, with pdf I have to send to her worth 30%. So if I don't do absolutely perfectly in the PDF section, I'll fail. Here's the kicker though. Half of the pdf I have to send to her is about experiences and features of wordpress and how they can be used in the professional world. I can't even fucking log in!
I agree! Although I agree more because of the whole painted world feel than the boss fight itself. It felt so much more like Demon's Souls than anywhere else in the game to me!