In that game, I was playing as Bass against MM1 bosses ... so I'm not sure what all is in them as far as different games in the series. And I suck at 3.
In that game, I was playing as Bass against MM1 bosses ... so I'm not sure what all is in them as far as different games in the series. And I suck at 3.
You don't want to play Zelda? Fucking Zelda?! ZEEELDA?! Sorry, I was watching RedLetterMedia and it made me laugh how they kept saying how did Chips movie fail? FUCKING CHIPS?! CHIIIIPS!
Kingdom hearts titles are too confusing.
Neither had I. Mega Man: Power Battle. I got my ass kicked by Gutsman playing as Bass ...
Well, it's time to move on from my birthday celebrations after two straight weekends of partying, but thank you! I always appreciate food.
Anyway, Daftman, I watched the first anime first and loved it, but Brotherhood adds a lot of stuff in from the manga. If you plan on watching both, I'd watch the anime-specific FMA first then Brotherhood, since you get more not less story the second time around that way.
I WILL say I think my favorite character's ummm ... plot point was handled much better (and had WAY more build-up) in the original, so the original does do things differently in some cases besides just leaving out certain characters and plot elements and it actually works for what that series tries to do.
Lego. Just getting random crap in Lego.
I just want to watch season 5 of fa brotherhood. Screw Netflix for the tease on that one.
Speaking of mst3kit's now on Netflix.