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Super Step's Comments - Page 352

Armada Book

Posted on 03/24/2017 at 11:10 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Well, t-shirts could just mean they like the design. Lots of misfits skull tees out there worn by kids who never heard of them

Well this study was about leisure time, so work mileage may vary. It was based on phone data , not just self report, so more reliable too boot.

Armada Book

Posted on 03/24/2017 at 09:13 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Never underestimate the nostalgia a millenial can feel for a time in which they hadn't been born yet.

The adults on the other hand I find unbelievable as well. 

I brought up an article re: generational use of Internet and mobile phones on NYT to my class a while ago, and many Generation X folks were unsurprised they were found to be more buried in their phones than the previous generation, since especially younger millennials have always had this tech and don't find it near as fascinating.

Birthday Blog: Favorites from '98

Posted on 03/24/2017 at 10:18 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Robotron 64 was fine when i played it. Then again, so was Star Wars SotE and that game's movement feels broken now.

I mostly liked the pop up book aesthetic in sorry.

Yup, and the show and the trading cards are what I honestly remember most. Well ok, the cards were the biggest thing, then the game, then the TV show for me.

Toukiden 2 is a better 3D Ys than 3D Ys

Posted on 03/24/2017 at 09:06 AM | Filed Under Blogs

This all depends on what your definition of Ys is.

Done with Borderlands Series

Posted on 03/24/2017 at 12:22 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I mostly just remember Halo 2 for couch multiplayer.  I was always kind of a noteable also-ran in those matches.

I saw Power Rangers. It was a mixed bag, but decently enjoyable. Basically everything critics has said was accurate. 

I could have used way more theme song ....

Birthday Blog: Favorites from '98

Posted on 03/24/2017 at 12:10 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I could use that myself. I played the hell out of stuff like Area 51 and those extensive Jurassic Park games that had you actually in the jeep.

Birthday Blog: Favorites from '98

Posted on 03/23/2017 at 10:45 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah. It drove me insane.

Birthday Blog: Favorites from '98

Posted on 03/23/2017 at 10:40 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Bust a groove; they had to change its name her e since bust a move is already a puzzle game in u.s.

I have the same thoughts on forsaken. I really just remember the box art.

Yup. Liked Logan.

Episode 108: California Dreamin'

Posted on 03/23/2017 at 06:33 PM | Filed Under Feature

I was planning on doing another voice entry, but since it's almost due and my voice is shot:

I know w can pick games we didn't actually play/weren't our favorites in this year, but everyone else has MGS and OoT covered, so I'll just say mine for when I was in fact 8 years old:

5. Pokemon Blue: I was into the craze for a bit, playing the trading cards, the game and watching the TV show (still remember the VHS promoting the show I got in the mail before it ever aired), but I can't say it was high on my list as a generally non-fan of JRPGS

All I can say is everyone else I knew had Red cause he looked cooler, while I went Blue thinking "what's wrong with you jackasses? Water beats fire!" This was before I even knew how the elements etc. worked in the game. 

I actually stopped watching the show when Togepi appeared and was the weird kid Digimon fan ...

4. Tekken 3: Mostly played this on the neighbors' PSX. I liked the beat-em-up mode included in this one, where I played as Eddie usually. I think I was Yoshimitsu for most actual fights.

3. Fighters Destiny: I was 8, I love fighting games, and there was a solid 3D fighter with a cow that could stand on its hind legs.

2. F-Zero X: Still has a great sense of speed, looks good for N64, and has what is in my opinion the best soundtrack in the series. The metal gods did smile upon this soundtrack. Rented this a ton and need to buy a copy. 

1. Bust-A-Groove: Yes, really. I played this for countless hours on the neighbors' PSX and a big contributing factor to this being my favorite was how many times I completely kicked their ass. Plus, while some stages could be mediocre, I loved some of the catchier songs like Kitty N's "Bust A Groove," the special moves and the vibrant stages. 

Plus, since I started buying CDs this year (my first two being Three Car Garage by Hanson and Version 2.0 by Garbage; God bless CD Warehouse) it's only fitting I choose a rythm action game as #1.

Why OoT and MGS are missing and runner ups:

At this point I was really just watching my older brother play MGS because I was too young, and I've only ever played through the PSX and GCN versions once each. OoT would be higher (but not #1) today, but at the time I couldn't stand the fantasy aesthetic and was really self-conscious about things that looked a little TOO nerdy (in retrospect, I should have just embraced who I was, but oh well).

Runners up:

Coolboarders 3

Tenchu: Stealth Assassins

Battle Tanx 

More on the list

Posted on 03/23/2017 at 12:09 AM | Filed Under Blogs

The second time around it is more catchy. I don't really remember it all that well though.

You are correct. It was Tyrian. I think it also had a sequel?

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