but 6 bucks is chicken feed anyway.
but 6 bucks is chicken feed anyway.
Will everybody stop saying Vita!?!
Mothman's getting upset here. Well not really but it is frustrating.
Yep I already bought that one for 8 bucks because Blunk Drake suggested it. He wasn't even blunk at the time.
You Just had to say the V word didn't ya Philip? I need to play that version.
Oh and you need a Fez to go with that bow tie, because Fez' are cool too. :)
Good Stuff!
Thanks, I don't really play for the trophies anyway. I do have the First Season of Walking Dead games though.
It's actually a whole sentence. Sound it out, getting faster as you go. If you do it in public people will look at ya funny.
Probably better when you're not blunk drake though.
That is sad Drake. Where'd Bilby go? Is she coming back?
Then 10 bucks on Steam was probably a good price for it.