People usually attritube that title to Armageddon. :)
People usually attritube that title to Armageddon. :)
I should pick up Videodrome next time I go back. I'm already considering future picks, which I'm sure will change.
My pleasure. I'm sure their sales happen only twice a year so it's always best to take advantage of it.
If they didn't simply like the game, that's fine, but don't be so snide and dismiss it just because certain elements are familiar. They're Nintendo fans: they should be perfectly comfortable with that trope. ;)
That sewer section is so massive but it became better once you acquired the gravity boots and the map-o-matic (think that's what it was called). Such a great way to upgrade and get bolts.
The same pedigree may be involved but they also play differently in addition to the difference in tone and narrative. My disgust aside, I just think the RFN host that was talking about lacked the ability to express what irked him about the game so he took a lazy route and made that comparison. I shouldn't listen to a Nintendo-centric program for viewpoints on Sony games but those things can creep up.
I recall an episode of Nintendo World Report where the hosts verbally took a shit on the Vita a year after its release. NWR is a sister podcast to the other one. There's a strange, hostile view of Sony over there.
I really want to get this. I have the funds but I have commitment issues.
What a little liar. I agree: he's gonna do all sorts of shit so he can talk about it with his friends and not feel excluded.
That dad is completely irresponsible. My parents wouldn't let me near R-rated films until I was 12 and they either watched them before I did or watched them with me. You really think that'll happen here?
"Pain don't hurt." - Dalton, Road House
Strangely enough, playing it on a handheld made it easier for me to complete. I've had the PS2 Subsistence version for so long.