Ditto. I made it a couple hours in and the difficulty spiked really high. I tried to stick with it but ended up moving on,
Ditto. I made it a couple hours in and the difficulty spiked really high. I tried to stick with it but ended up moving on,
I sampled NFS Hot Pursuit long enough to figure out.....that racing games aren't my thing
I'm probably going to go for the October crate, give it 1 more shot. If it's shit, I'll not be coming back to it.
I ended up giving my son the Xenomorph figure...he asked me where the weapons were lol. I told him that it didn't need any weapons, as it's the miost fearsome predator in the galaxy.
i like your articles just fine bro.
I just don't read anything on gamergate stuff anymore because I get pissed off and then I don't make any sense! No fault of yours.
that was the whole reason I wanted one...figured a random t-shirt a month would shape up my wardrobe...i can give a shit less about magnets and Halo e-books!
that's waaaaaay too expensive for an android game. Especially with all the bugs this version has...hopefully they worked it out.
Ended up with:
-A tribble from Star Trek
-Alien Xenomorph action figure
-some Halo e-books
-a chubby figurine of Mal from Firefly
-some sort of currency from Firefly
-a pack of Pop Rocks
-a Star Wars magnet
-poster of Han Solo frozen in carbonite
-collectible pin
I guess it's worth 20 bucks, MSRP....but as far as the coolness of it....I think previous crates were waaaaaaay better
that bitch is fiiiiiiiiine.
Good work Ben. You'll have to excuse me for not reading any further as soon as I saw the words Gamer and Gate together. I dig the art though!
3/4 of the peeps on my PSN Friends List who played the crap out of Destiny during opening week.....haven't been playing it.