They still look bad when you increase the resolution with the settings?
They still look bad when you increase the resolution with the settings?
This reminds me... Lightning is wearing sunglasses at times. Booooooooo!
No apology needed. We're glad to have you do whatever you can! Let us know how the Xbox One is treating you. That's a pretty amazing Christmas gift.
Oh, now I see! I was too immersed in the pictures to read all the details, apparently. I even went back through it all twice to figure it out. :(
This all makes it sound like Nacadoches and Plano are right next to each other. What kind of car do you drive?!
Just thought I would update that after being away from the game for a couple of months to work on other projects and games, I went back to it and finished today. The final time on the clock to finish the game was 117 hours, 35 minutes. There is, of course, now a lot of additional content I can go play, but I'm not going to right now.
Notable that of almost 120 hours of gameplay, I only had one dedicated period of grinding, and even that wasn't too bad. I don't think I was ever bored while playing outside of a little bit during that grinding session. If you're a person who puts a dollar per hour valuation on your games, it's going to be hard to top this one.
A great game in a great series. Give it a try! There's a demo if you're not sure if it's for you.
If you're just giving stuff away in comments and forums as a community member, I wouldn't think it's a problem. It potentially gets stickier if you are on staff or representing the site. I'm no lawyer, though, so don't use this reply in your legal defense.
I could watch this all day.
Matt R supposedly detests Takedown: Red Sabre, and yet I caught him playing.
Hahaha! Just referencing Back to the Future II and the Café 80s.