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SanAndreas's Comments - Page 40

Long time, no see

Posted on 11/11/2021 at 08:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I still do things around here. Much more peaceful than Facebook.

Get Ripped and Buff with these Game Reviews!

Posted on 11/07/2021 at 07:08 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Boulder Dash was a staple of my youth. I played it on Atari 8-bit, which is the platform it was originally developed for. i had quite a few of those digging type games. Henri was a knockoff of Mr. Do. Man, I wish Hamster would release Mr. Do as an Arcade Archives title. Firebug gave you the ability to dig and shoot. I also had the official 8-bit version of Dig-Dug from Atari, but it was kind of poorly done, being slow, buggy, and with awful graphics and sound.

I've kind of thought about giving Ring Fit Adventure a try. That sounds like a fitness game that's up my alley.

Episode 211: Halloween Havoc: Cool Ghouls

Posted on 11/07/2021 at 06:48 AM | Filed Under Feature

The place where Lucas receives his PSI powers is a bit on the oof side. I can easily see someone freaking out and Congress going apeshit in this day and age. I'm pretty sure Nintendo's lawyers could see that scenario. There was some to-do over Tomodachi Life a few years ago. Maybe it's just the way Tomato translated the scene. 

Super Mario World Review

Posted on 11/07/2021 at 06:43 AM | Filed Under Review

I prefer the tighter design and power-ups of SMB3 myself. That game was hard to beat even with better hardware. SMW was unparalleled in terms of SNES platformers though. The only area DK Country had it beat in was the graphics, and that's subjective in itself. 

Episode 211: Halloween Havoc: Cool Ghouls

Posted on 10/27/2021 at 07:26 PM | Filed Under Feature

Stage Select

There's a certain button in Fallout 3 that, if you press it, causes a lot of awesome fireworks. And a little bit of ghoulification. It's going to be hard to top a button like that. No failsafes, no long codes from a suitcase, just a simple button. 

I like the big green A button on the Gamecube controller. It's the primary button for controlling in-game action, so it's naturally more prominent. 

Remote detonation car bombs in the GTA series. Open-world games have made numerous advances over the past 20 years in terms of graphics and interactivity, but sometimes you just want to rig up a car bomb and cause some random chaos. It's a fast way to get you up to the vaunted 6-star wanted level where the military gets called in.

Cage Match:

Giving it to Turok Evolution. How bad... ass is Turok Evolution? It had an award named after it: EGM's Tobias Bruckner Memorial Award for Excellence in the Field of Crapulence. Serious Sam has no such honor. I rest my case.

Episode 210: Parakeet Prison

Posted on 10/27/2021 at 07:12 PM | Filed Under Feature

 Konami is a huge company with lines of business outside of games, and at the time video games were underperforming the rest of the company. Metal Gear Solid has never sold anywhere nearly as well as, say, Resident Evil. Pachislots were a tempting market for a lot of video game manufacturers at the time. SNK went through its own period where they were going to skip console video games altogether and just stick with mobile games and licensing its characters out for pachislot characters, though they've made a hard pivot back to traditional console games. Sega's parent company, Sammy, was also steering Sega towards pachislots at the time (Sammy originally started as a slot machine manufacturer.) So hopefully Konami will make a similar comeback in video gaming. 

Episode 211: Halloween Havoc: Cool Ghouls

Posted on 10/27/2021 at 06:54 PM | Filed Under Feature

`I have the English translation of Mother 3 on cartridge. I am in fact playing it on a GameCube Game Boy Player. I, too, wish that Nintendo would localize Mother 3. They could package it on a cartridge and hype it up., and one oft the biggest disappointments I can think of in gaming is that they couldn't finish the N64 version, especially given that they were very, very close to completing it. They tried enlisting the people who did Pokemon Stadium for the project. 

I don't think it's going to happen. There is no way to bring over the game without one aspect of it or another being problematic to people on all sides of the aisle. Nintendo's 1990s-era censorship doesn't really fly in this day and age. The memories of the outcry over censorship in the US versions of FE Fates, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, and Xenoblade Chronicles X are no doubt still strong at NoA. Nintendo's legal counsel was likely concerned that some aspects of the game might attract unwanted attention from certain members of Congress, and Nintendo definitely has bitter experience with Congressional hearings. The Magypsies, which are a core element of the story, would be difficult to localize no matter how Nintendo tried to approach it. Even the name "Magypsy" is problematic these days due to the negative connotations of "gypsy." Nintendo doesn't seem to have problems with third party games being risque anymore. South Park made its video game debut on N64, both South Park RPGs are on Switch, and Trey and Matt even mentioned Earthbound as a direct inspiration for Stick of Truth. Switch has Witcher 3 in all of its naked glory, but they're still reluctant to release such content themselves. I guess that's for the same reason that Disney doesn't release R-rated movies under its own label. 

Plus, the localization would be a huge, expensive effort and Nintendo isn't sure they'd get a good ROI given how weak sales of Earthbound games have traditionally been. The fan-translators did try to donate any legal rights to the fan-translation to Nintendo if it meant Mother 3 would get an official release, but Nintendo didn't bite.

It's kind of telling that Nintendo, which is infamous for swinging the C&D hammer around iike a madman, has never made any attempt to stop the Mother 3 fan translation from being distributed even though they know it exists.  They've pretty much given tacit approval of the fan translation through their silence on the matter. (Fun side fact: making inadequate attempts to defend a trademark can be seen as approval in the eyes of judges in our precedent-driven common law court system, which is part of why Nintendo is so aggressive about its trademarked products.)

But hey, Nintendo has surprised me before. Maybe when the Switch hits its end-of-life slump while Nintendo is getting its successor ready, Nintendo will make a surprise release of Mother 3. 

F-1 Race Review

Posted on 10/26/2021 at 03:23 AM | Filed Under Review

I had this game. I hated some of the unfair corners in some of the courses (there was almost no way to take them without slowing to a crawl.) I think this game's big purpose was as a showpiece for the 4-player adapter. 

Episode 210: Parakeet Prison

Posted on 10/23/2021 at 07:36 PM | Filed Under Feature

Most of the Konami hate seems to be coming from Kojima fanboys. They do seem to be doing better in gaming. And honestly, I can see Konami's side in that. Kojima comes off as a bit of a prima donna and Konami was probably getting a little tired of him. His games also tend to be expensive to produce and may not have been giving the best ROI. That doesn't mean there wasn't fault at Konami itself - Kojima wants to do things other than MGS - but i doubt it was one sided the way it's portrayed in the press and in comments sections.

i am enjoying Metroud Dread, but there are too many QTEs with tiny windows for success.  

Episode 210: Parakeet Prison

Posted on 10/23/2021 at 02:17 AM | Filed Under Feature

The Zelda character who scared me the most was either the shopkeeper in Link's Awakening or the "LEAVE YOUR LIFE OR MONEY" dude. Even Ganon be like, "hasn't he suffered enough already?"

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