Meh. Started classes again. Although it was a metaphysics class, so it was kind of interesting :)
Meh. Started classes again. Although it was a metaphysics class, so it was kind of interesting :)
High Moon Studios made Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. They kind of kick ass at adaptations.
Yeah, I got addicted to Borderlands 2 for a bit. Then I got really bored of it.
Nope. This game made it through with no problems. In fact it got a G8+ rating here if my memory serves correctly.
Seriously. It's bullshit.
UK is pretty bad with censors from what I've heard. Weren't they going to ban a bunch of films they deemed too violent, like Human Cenipede 2 and some others? I'm not a fan of those movies, but I don't think they should be banned.
Yeah I saw that after I posted the rant. It's still ridiculous. And you know the people who are quickest to ban these sort of things have a fetish for it that they're trying their best to hide.
It's completely ridiculous. If you find something a bit offensive, you have no right to censor it for other consenting adults. Look at all the great films we wouldn't have if they were censored like games were.
It's worth playing... worth paying 40 bucks for? I don't think so.
Oh, in this it's a merging of traditional fantasy tropes, greek mythology, and some japanese mythology as well. The lore is kind of cool.
It's not so much that it's slow, it's just a bit confusing. There's more variety in this than KoA