Oh. Well. I like my beach bunny better. Her hips and boobs constitute my entire body weight, and that scares me.
Oh. Well. I like my beach bunny better. Her hips and boobs constitute my entire body weight, and that scares me.
We have beach bunnies? Fuck yeah! I want one as a pet. I shall name it toucan, and it can be friends with my beach wallaby!
Also, stay away from my beach bunny, you pervert!
I download all my tv as I don't own one and then by the dvds when they come out. I used to wait, but then shit kept getting spoiled for me so I was like fuck it.
Germany is worse with censorship. They ban some games with Nazi affiliation, but not others, which confuses me...
Yeah, Yahtzee bitches about this issue A LOT!
I'd say as am I, but I just wrote two articles and a blog on this subject...
Eh, I'm a pc gamer, I'll find a way around it. It doesn't effect me as much as it effects people I know, like my brother who was seriously looking forward to this, and plays on xbox where there is no way around it.
Townz, we're males. Australia is getting fucked. PORN!!!!
How I Met Your Mother was surprisingly good until season 5, where it was kind of meh. I've seen so much How I Met Your Mother I just can't stomach it any more. My ex girlfriend was freaking obsessed with it!
Yeah, BlackAdder is one of those shows I need to rewatch now that I appreciate shows like that. Also, as I said before, Black Books is by one of the makers of the IT Crowd, but it's better in almost everyway, so that's why IT Crowd didn't make it on. I still love that show though.
What do you think of the latest season? I thought it was a pretty damn good return to form, despite a few really bad jokes.